Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Tick-Tock Tuesday

Tom: #1 says the clock is now ticking, counting down to her getting out of the door at 6:30am tomorrow morning. Our Australian friends have arrived and Steve has already been throwing the Frisbee for me. He is GREAT!

As this will be our last post for a few days at least (#1 is spending her first few days away in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, and will not be online at all), we thought we would post a selection of photos of us she has taken over the last few days, so that you can have your fill of us!

Let's start with Tama-Chan playing with her green mousie this morning:

and lounging in the run yesterday evening:

Sei-Chan, on the other hand, prefers to remain indoors when it's hot:

When she's not playing with her favourite woofie:

As for me, I have an ultimate garland in the hair shot for you:

Now,  before we leave you, we do have a wonderful story to tell you. On Sunday evening, we were honoured by a visit from a "Queen" we know. She was on her way back home from Paris, and was heavily pregnant, although the birth was supposed to be a day or two away still. When she arrived, she was welcomed with all the honours due to her rank, and offered the best accommodations, with which she was already familiar, and the finest of dinners. She ate her meal and settled herself on the bed, and it all felt so very fine to her that she decided to grace us with the happiest of events! Six gorgeous kittens were born under our roof that night in a quick, easy and smooth labour! One red and five ruddy Aby babies! And there were smiles, and there was joy in the house!


Monday, 29 June 2009

Blogaversary: The Poupounette is one today!

Tom: I can barely believe that it has been a whole year since my big brother Sen-Chan, #1 and I sat down and decided to start a blog. We were inspired by Ms.C of T'Abby Normal (whom we would like to thank for our new banner) and blogging has now become a way of life for all of us.

This is what Sen-Chan and I looked like back then:

Alas, our wise and sweet Sen-Chan is no longer with us, but his spirit of reaching out and befriending everyone remains central to the Poupounette, which was originally named for him, as his nickname was "Poupounet."

And we are so happy to have now with us our two beautiful girly girls, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan:

But more than anything else, dear friends, we are happy to know all of you, and for the windows into your lives you have opened up to us. Writing this blog has been a rich and fulfilling experience, and we look forward to much more of the same in the coming years.

Finally, we would like to pay a special tribute to our first blogging friend who is still blogging. We did not know him then but he came to visit us and left a comment, and he still visits us regularly. Thank you, awesome-pawed ANGUS MHOR, for being our friend!

In conclusion, as it is Monday after all, I thought you might like a Manly Monday photo of me looking all grown up and seriously manly...

PS: WELCOME HOME, LASKA!!!!!!!! HURRAY for the Power of the Paw!

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: Summer has come full-force at last. It is sunny and hot and supposed to get up to over 30C (high 80s) in the next few days. Our house is relatively cool, especially downstairs, but #1 is considering getting out our electric fans. She is very busy at the moment, as she is getting ready to abandon us for a whole month from Wednesday to go off to Canada. Our house/pet-sitters, a wonderful Aussie couple who have been here before, are arriving tomorrow, so we will struggle through somehow...

We're not sure how much posting we will be able to do whilst #1 is gone, so this may be our last snuggly Sunday feature for a little while. Let me kick off with our very own love bug, Sei-Chan, and our soppy brother Tommy:

Those two have a major thing going! But fear not, I still get my Tommy-time and he is big enough and sweet enough to provide all the love that both of us need!

Now that we're spending so much time outside in our run, #1 says she has fewer opportunities to take pictures of the two of us snuggling but she still managed to get a good one this week:

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Saturday is Sei-Chan Day!

Sei-Chan: How do you think the world would feel if I put in a request to change the name to "SEiturday"? Don't you think it has a good ring to it?

So, here I am again. I have had such a fabulous week! Needless to say, the new cat run has been more fun than I could ever have imagined. #1 keeps telling us it's going to get a whole lot better once she puts in things like catwalks and high-up perches, but I think it's amazing already! Here is my favourite picture so far:

The one thing that is not perfect about the run is that Tommy isn't inside it with us!

My acrobatics have not been limited to the outdoors, though! Here I am on a high cross-beam inside the house!

#1 says that Ikkyu used to jump up there all the time but no one has done it since! There is a huge drop beneath the beam I am sitting on!

Here, for a change is a more grown-up and elegant picture of me. I have been studying my friend Khyra's poses, and really like the crossed paw look!

I have also been keeping in mind my duty to assist #1 with household tasks and was an enormous help to her when she changed the sheets and comforter cover...

With so much activity, I need my naps, and I don't know why #1 always smiles when she sees me stretched out like this...

I like to be long!

And that, dear friends, is all I have time for today. The sun and run are calling! Have a great Saturday and come back tomorrow for some snuggles!

Friday, 26 June 2009

Frootbat Friday!

Tama-Chan: Before we move on to frootbatty matters, we would like to start with a very important matter. Many of you know that a young Siberian Husky rescue, Laska, went missing just after arriving at a temporary foster home. We need to find LASKA soon and our friend Khyra tells us that the Power of the Paw this time needs to be GOLDEN, a colour that will help people embrace Laska. So, in keeping with this theme, we are including our own golden photo for Laska:

So, Friday it is! Yesterday, #1 took this double frootbat photo which we rather like!

Addendum: As we have received an enquiry already, we thought we would tell you that I am on the left and Sei-Chan is on the right!

We were both hanging out in the shade on the windowsill because it was quite warm outside!

And here I am, looking according to #1 like a cross between a gazelle and a giraffe!

And little Sei-Chan crossing ("khrossing" actually...) her paws and thinking good thoughts for Laska:

And Tommy's single flying ear:

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Thursday Together!

Tom: It's been a crazy week so far. #1 has been out almost all of the time, busy with Australian visitors who had come to look at Percheron horses. She took me with her when she could, and yesterday, I spent part of the day with Pie and Ms. A, but I must say that I like it best of all when she is here with us. She knows how to throw my tennis ball just right! She is home today and all is right with our world!

As you can see, the weather has been really nice, and the girls have been spending as much time as possible in their run. Because there is a window directly from the house into the run, they can come and go as they please. Sei-Chan quite enjoys sitting on the sill where she is in the shade but can still enjoy the view:

When she actually sits on the ground, #1 says she looks a bit like a lion cub!

Tama-Chan absolutely loves to loll about and soak up the sun!

although she can also pull her weight as a prowling feline!

So, the sun is shining, and #1 is here with us all day. It is truly a Thursday to be THANKFUL for!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Run, run, run....RUN!!!!!

Tama-Chan: Yesterday started out just like an ordinary day, with morning cuddles and breakfast, and then the most extraordinary thing happened! #1 opened up for us a DOOR INTO SUMMER!

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the air smelled fresh and we were able to go outside! It was just the most amazing experience EVER! This is our run, which #1 and Uncle U built just for us:

I was totally in awe. The outside is SO beautiful!

There are places for us to lie in the sun:

Vantage points from which to observe what is going on:

Climbing facilities:

Green stuff to explore:

And Tommy can come and hang with us...

We just love our run!!!! #1 says she is going to do a lot more inside so that we have platforms and "catwalks" and other fun stuff! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........

Monday, 22 June 2009

Tommy's Manly Monday Tidings

Tom: I am rather late in blogging today as my scribe has been busy, setting up some breeder visist for a potential Australian buyer of Percheron horses. And this morning, we introduced the girls to their surprise! More about that from Tama-Chan tomorrow.

So, let's get back to me, Tommy! I have over the past couple of weeks shown you photos of me with various flowering bushes. Today, I would like to show you how manly it is to wear a garland's in one's hair (ears actually):

I personally think that the green "pearls" looked very lovely in my ears, but we will not get into discussing #1's language during the 20 minutes it took her to brush out my ears... Sigh...

Anwyay, as you can see, I was out with my Frisbee, which has become a rare occurrence because we have bee having so much wind. But fear not! I have not lost my touch!

I didn't bump into Gusto at all last week but we did meet Pataud twice. Now, he is a big guy and pretty dominant, so I have to be very laid back around him, which of course I do exceptionally well!

In conclusion for today, here is my take on the perfect sleeping position, with my favourite tennis ball in my paws, so that I know I will dream of good things!

Be sure to check back in tomorrow when Tama-Chan will tell you all about "the surprise"!!!