Monday 22 May 2023

Manly Monday


Ollie: Thanks to those who asked after #1. She felt much better yesterday than on Saturday. Probably had overdone it on the exercises! She even managed to snap this great photo of me "in clover"!

and this romantic one too:

Here is little Momo, looking gorgeous as usual:

And one of Benny looking mysterious:

The pics of Momo and Benny are courtesy of the Mr. G archives.


  1. we send lots of power to your #1 for progress ... every day a little bit more

  2. Very beautiful photos and we are very grateful your #1 is feeling a bit better. We know your kind attentions to her are most helpful, as well as good friends bringing her support ( and food ).

  3. I am glad #1 is feeling better. It is very easy to overdo exercises and set yourself back. You are all looking very handsome.

  4. Good to hear #1 is feeling well enough to overdo the exercises ;) Just remind her that slow and steady wins the race over the long haul ;)
    I really like the pictures today!!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. we love the Ollie Rover in the Clover pics.. so handsome you are sweet Ollie... had to smile about overdoing the exercises, you must be like I am, they told me to do 5 exercises, every other day and I said can I do them every day?

  6. It's a process that #1 is going through; you gents can help out by being cute!

  7. Looking handsome, all of you. Good that #1 is feeling better.

  8. I see the smiles on your beautiful fur faces that #1 is home and feeling better a bit at a time. You all help her feel that way, I know.

  9. So glad everyone looks like they're enjoying the weekend. Enjoy your week. Love, Dori

  10. We know #1 will get there, it does take time. WOW, those are all wonderful photos!!!

  11. You boys all look great! We are keeping our paws crossed for #1's recovery.

  12. Be still my beating coeur!
    I barely got beyond the OLLIE shots -

    PeeEssWoo: Oh Ollie - just OH OLLIE!

  13. HURRAH fore feelin bettur Numburr #1. Mee sendss you MORE POTP to help you heal an feel bettur!!!! Ollie yore so adorabell inn an outta clover. Momo yore so cute an Benny yore mysteeruss fore sure!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  14. Every day will be a wee bit better that the previous ones...but if you overdo things...well that does make for a hard time later.
    Great pics all you manly furry ones!


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