Friday 12 May 2023

Happy Birthday, Violette and Vidock!


#1 here. I am still stuck in the rehab facility but there's been celebrating going on where the horses are! Yesterday was Miss Violette's birthday, and today is The Big V's! Both of them are 14 years young! They have both been in my life for many years. I first met Violette when she was just four months old, and Vidock joined the Gang at the age of 17. months. How quickly the years pass! Sadly, I don't have access to my full photo archives, so there won't be any baby and recap pics.

One of the highlights of both the Vs' past year was parading down the Champs ElysΓ©es in Paris, wearing full Japanese festival costume.

Here is Violette, with the Arc de Triomphe in the background:

And here is The Big V:

In contrast, the past year has been fairly quiet. The two have led pretty laid-back lives in. their fields, with looking gorgeous being their main preoccupation.

The Big V:

Miss Violette:

Happiest of birthdays to my two wonderful Vs. I can't even imagine life without your gentle and loving presence. I hope to be by with lots of apples and carrots soon.



  1. happy birthday to the big v's... and a giant carrot cake!!

  2. We have never seen such creatures but we do agree that they are quite lovely!! Do they like kitties?

  3. Happy Birthday to the two coolest horses we know!!! Purrs you get some extra goodies to celebrate!!!! Maybe a good brushing too. That always feels SO good!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Happy Birthday, Vidock and Violette!
    Wishing you many, many more.

  5. Happy Birthday, Violette and Vidock! I know you both miss your #1 and she misses you. Have a wonderful day and hope you get extra carrots. You both look so beautiful all dressed up

  6. Happy Birthday Violette and Vidock! We hope your day is epically epic! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  7. Happy Birthday to the V's! We hope they have a great day.

  8. KharrotKhake for all!

    BonAndBonne Anniversaire to The Horse Doggies!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie! So furry nice woo got some fresh #1 scent!

  9. Lulu: "Happy birthday, V & V! Many happy returns!"

  10. They were both so beautifully dressed for the parade. How you will love to be home with them soon and celebrate a late birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday beautiful Vs from all of us. Seeing you always makes our day!

  12. Happy birthdays to the beautiful and handsome and elegant V's.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Late, but wanted to still wish you a belated Happy Birthday to you both Vidock and Violette!

  14. Happy Beelated Birfday Vidock an Violette!!! You both look wunderfull....
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum


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