Sunday 13 January 2019

Some Snuggles on Sunday

#1 here. We are not back to full-time blogging yet, and we have of course lost or main snuggle buddy, but we wanted to share a couple of snuggle pics with you today. First off is Da Genj "helping" me as I sit at my computer:

And here is Da Beebs snuggled up to me under the covers:

And, saving the biggest for last, here I am snuggling with the Big V:

We will be posting tomorrow for Manly Monday, and then will take a couple of days off as #1 will be travelling.


  1. We enjoyed your pics as usual and we wish #1 bon voyage. We know you have a good cat sitter and will have lots of fun.

  2. We know you all miss Tommy's snuggles, but it is nice to see you taking care of each other!
    I am very busy snuggling here too!
    Sami-Chan xx

  3. I know you all miss snuggles with Tommy terribly, but it is important to continue to snuggle with each other. I hope #1 has a good trip.

  4. Nice to see your snuggle pictures ! Travel safe, #1 ! Purrs

  5. Happy snuggles, safe travels to #1.

  6. We are sure that Tommy is still sending you all invisible snuggles. Safe travels to #1.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. We love those snuggle pics :)
    Safe travels.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  8. Sweet snuggling pictures!
    We hope #1 will have a safe and nice trip :-)

  9. Those are some great snuggle pictures. We hope #1 has a great time on her trip.

  10. Very sweet snuggle photos. <3

  11. The bestest thing in the whole wide world is hugging with one's loves!


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