Wednesday 19 September 2018

Wednesday Whinnies

Vidock: Handsome Neighs, EveryFriend. There has been quite a lot going on at our end this week, so #1 has said that, exceptionally, we can have two posts the same week. So, advance apologies to kitty and woofie lovers. We will be back again on Friday!

Anyhoof, the farrier came yesterday so we both got our feet trimmed and got new shoes. This summer having been long, dry and hot, everyone's hooves are in pretty bad shape. Ms. C actually moistens ours everyday but even then...

I am a really good boy when I have my hooves done:

Violette: I also got my hooficure.

At one point, there were woofies everywhere!

One has to suffer to be beautiful...

And then, there is the treat bucket! 

 See you again on Friday with some exciting developments!


  1. you got new shoes? the mama is green with envy now hahahahaha

  2. You horses have an interesting way of getting a mani-pedi!

  3. How nice to get new shoes.
    Bet your feet feel better you two!
    Enjoy those treats.

    Purr, Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. It’s good to keep ones feet comfy. Horses and people alike. Woofies and kitties too. We can’t wait to hear the new developments!

  5. C'est important d'avoir des pieds bien entretenus.
    Natacha faisait super attention avec sa jument parce qu'ici c'est chaud et sec longtemps et qu'elle était souvent dans du sable (pistes ou carrières).

  6. We always love seeing you! Hooray for shoe day!

  7. Your pedicure looks a lot more complex than ours - glad it is you and not us.

    Woos - Cap'n Lightning, First Mate Lass Misty, and Powder Monkey Timber

  8. It looks like it was Pamper Yourself Day ! You both are very good during your hooficure. Purrs


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