Tama-Chan: As you well know, #1 is not here today (well, she will be back this evening) so the potential for snugging with her is somewhat limited. But we did manage quite a bit of snuggling during the week so we have some photos to share with you.
I shall start with myself. As you know, I like to hang out with #1 in the mornings, when she does her ablutions:
And as you also know, I love to snuggle with Tommy!
Lately, my Beebs has taken to snuggling with #1 in the evenings, when she is watching TV:
Of course, that is if he manages to get to her before Da Genj!
It would seem that Tommy also occasionally snuggle-cheats on us, such as with our neighbour, Merlin:
And here is #1's ultimate (for now) snuggle shot with Violette and The Big V!