Wednesday 9 December 2015

Winning (?) Wednesday

Da Beebs: I am not sure that "winning" is the right title although I couldn't come up with anything better. #1 had not gone to Paris! The reason, sadly, is that she's feeling totally rotten and couldn't face it. A violently sore throat has made sleeping difficult. Da Genj remains at his post when she is in bed and sweet Sei-Chan actually glued herself to her at one point to try and make her feel better. She was also out all afternoon yesterday, working on a project that will be pretty exciting for the Vs next May, and we consider that more than enough activity, so today, she is staying in bed and we are supervising!


  1. We are sorry to hear #1 is still feeling ill.
    A sore throat is not any fun at all.
    Maybe gargle with some salt water.
    Sending lots of healing purrs.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. I hope you kitties are nursing #1 - my human isn't at her best either, and Binga is having to force her to lie down for longer than she wants!

  3. Stuff's going around here, too. Mom&DadKatt had it bad a few weeks ago. Rest and get well and enjoy all that furry supervision!

    PS - MomKatt said she enjoyed ya'll's conversation just now! Were you talking about kittehs?


  4. Take good care of #1 and tell her we're all sending purrs to her.

  5. I'm so sorry #1 is feeling so sick. I'm glad the cats are helping out. It seems like a lot of people are sick now. Sei-Chan, you are an excellent nurse! When you're sick it's boring, but if you rest and take care of yourself the sooner you can return to daily life. Da Beebs, I hope #1 feels better soon!

  6. I am sorry #1 is feeling so ill she had to miss her trip to Paris. I am sending purrs and hope she soon feels better again.

  7. Poor #1, maybe she needs some antibiotics. Our little Sweet Pea, the dancer twin, had strep throat over the weekend, and what an improvement with those good meds. We hope #1 is feeling better tomorrow.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  8. Aw, poor #1. We hope she's feeling better soon.

  9. Purring for your #1. You must impress upon her to rest and drink lots and lots of fluids. We know you are doing your best caring for her.

  10. Désolée pour le mal de gorge. C'est très très désagréable.
    Heureusement qu'il y a les chats.
    Chacun fait comme il veut, mais j'ai remarqué un truc, les cures d'echinacea ça marchent plutôt bien comme préventif anti trucs viraux en tout genre. Ca marche aussi au début.
    Bon courage
    Nat à Chat


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