Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Wild Wednesday

Genji: We have had only minimal rain these past few days, and it has not been too cold, so #1 has opened the run for us most days and we like to take advantage of the wild feel it has (as #1 has not done any maintenance work in it lately!).

Don't you think I look dashing in these natural surroundings?

Hear me roar!

Da Beebs is not sure he really likes this angle…

But he had a good time ferreting around in the grass:

And doing his high-beam exercises:

Sei-Chan is always a little more hesitant about launching herself into the wilderness:

But Tama-Chan is still very much on her "Queen" kick (don't tell her I said that!)

We don't get to go out into the real" outside, but we do have a pretty good (and wild!) time in our run!


  1. Will they go out in it when it is rainy? They are so lucky to have their run.

    Monty and Harlow

  2. It is the next best thing to going outside "outside" as you can smell all sorts of interesting smells and feel the sun and the wind in your furs.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. What a BEAUTIFUL Aby furramily you all have. And I love your "run"! It's the best of both words: safety AND outdoors!


  4. I wish we had a run like that! How much fun, to be a jungle kitty and still be safe!

  5. Si Hisia pouvait parler c'est sure que ELLE dirait que c'est dommage des chats qui se sont pas en liberté, surtout des Abys comme elle.
    Moi je sais que l'on ne peut pas se trouver en manque de ce que l'on ne connait pas. Ils sont bien dans leur petite jungle.
    Il ne manque que le plaisir de se promener à deux, humain et chat. Mais ce plaisir a forcement ses contraintes, ses déplaisirs. Ce soir par exemple, je ne sais pas où est Hisia. Ce n'est ni la première ni la dernière fois. Mais on se passe très bien de ce genre de "plaisir".
    Profitez bien de votre jungle les félins.
    Bonne soirée.

  6. Those are awesome photos!! You kitties have a wonderful natural landscape to explore while staying safe.

  7. You are so lucky to have your run where you can go outside safely.

    Millie & Walter

  8. OH you adorable man cat you! KISSES...even though I am taken by Boomie.

  9. We're just a little bit jealous of your wild run! How fun is that!! :)

  10. Genji, Tama-chan is a queen, don't forget it.

    Nice that you had some nice days in the run.


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