Sunday, 29 September 2013

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: Well, since #1 is off on a horsey weekend, I suppose it makes sense to start with some horsey snuggles...

#1 always seems to have extra special snuggles with Violette!

She has got to be the snuggliest big girl I have ever seen!

Although Big V Vidock could probably give her a run for her money:

Getting back to Poupounette Central, here is our Tommy with Ms. M:

That photo was taken when he was still sporting the cone full time.

Now that he's mostly wearing T-Shirts, he can have proper snuggles with Sei-Chan!

Here is my Beebs having a snuggle with him during a "naked" moment!

And Genji digging his claws into #1...

As for me, you know it's not always easy to get snuggle shots of me. So here is one from the archives of me snuggling with one of my kittens:

Wishing you all a very Snuggly Sunday!


  1. Wonderful snuggly shots. But that last one is just perfect beyond words!

  2. We like the last picture most of all. But everyone has purty good snuggle pictures.

  3. C'est la maison des animaux ici !
    Bonne journée !
    (Je viens de chez Hisia et Loustiquette)

  4. That is a great set of snuggle pictures.

    Millie & Walter

  5. Tama, that photo of you and one of your kittens is beyond precious!

  6. oh Tama, mama snuggles are the BESTEST!

  7. Oh you make the sun shine brighter, all of you. xoxox

  8. Tommy j'espère que tu as été sage ce week end sans ta #1. Il faut en finir avec la collerette et les tee shirts.
    Tu es le chien le plus heureux de la terre avec tout ces calins....

  9. As always perfect snuggles. Love them. Hugs GJ x

  10. The Vs are enjoying their snuggles with #1. The last picture is too cute!

  11. Yow Tama Chan...Nylablue here haz not bin well n me haz missed ya all so much!
    Violette n Vidock are lookin so beeuteefull n dey shure lub #1!! All of ya Chan kittehz look grrrreat n Tommy iz cute as he alwayz is...we must read on to find out why he had da cone on. We iz glad he doez not have to wear it all da time...
    Lub to all of ya frum me n Mum too.

  12. Your snuggle posts never fail to brighten our Sundays. We're glad Tommy is on the mend and hope the t-shirts keep him from having to wear the cone of shame. We hope he gets better soon.

  13. Snuggles all around and the last one of you is the bestest.


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