Wednesday, 1 April 2009


#1: Yesterday was a big day for the kitten as we had scheduled the first round of vaccinations for early afternoon. Having explained to Viña del Mar that I would be bringing her baby back as soon as possible, I put the kitten in the carrier...

and off we went to Dr.C's...

My suspicions had been building up for a little while, and so the first thing I asked Dr.C to do was check, upon which the kitten sang: "Just Call me Madam...!" Yes, it turns out that little "Sir" is a girl after all, and a wild one at that!

She was a real champ as she was being examined...

and a good girl when she got her injection.

and when she got home, she had a little nap and went right back to playing!

Now that we have the strategic information in hand, she will be telling you very soon about her name.


  1. HA!

    Too funny!


    Whatever will be will be?

    Tommy will just be the only homme de la maison!


  2. We grew suspicious when you said "the kitten"! What a pleasant surprise!

  3. Oh my!!!! That is exciting news!! Two little girlies and Tom! She's a firecracker too??? Tom, you will really enjoy your runs in the fields now! Hee Hee!!

    We are anxious to hear her name! No Sir this time!!

    She was a little angel at the Vet's it seems. Maybe she knows when to be patient and when to cut loose!!!

    Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

  4. Hmmm, you're going to need to get another boy dog so Tom isn't outnumbered.


  5. Tommy,

    You are going to be outnumbered with girls at your house. Girls rule!

    Your friend,

  6. Well hello there, little ladycat:)It looks like you had wonderful manners at the vet.

  7. Funny! What a lovely surprise!

  8. Hmm... I wonder if that's how Suri Cruise got HER name?

    (Looks like Uncle U. played an April Fool's joke on you!)

    Regardless, she's adorable and so well-behaved. (That must have been your first clue "he" was a "she!")

    Your pals,

    Petey and Mica (Both boys - we double-checked)

  9. What a well-behaved little miss she is! She took those shots like a champ. I'm very impressed.

  10. Oh, what an interesting surprise! She looks like she was a very good girl at the vet's. We're eager to hear her name! (How did Vina del Mar react when you took the kitten away, and then brought her back smelling of the v.e.t.?)

  11. Really?? Because we trust you #1 but it is after all April Fool's Day....

    That will be too much fun, two little girls!! Oh the trouble they will cause.... The LL says she is glad her big girl lives at the barn and her little girl in the house because the two of us together would be too much to handle.


  12. I am surprised and pleased to
    hear news!

    I love naughty little girl ♪

    I look forward to hear more to follow.

  13. "Why do you stick me with a needle when you know that I will kill you for it?"

  14. LOL, and a sweet girl at that! We cant wait to read more about her and see more stories of the little cutie!


  15. What a silly girl fer hiding dat from #1. hehe It was an early April Fools joke wasnt it?

  16. Tommy, mom has just bought strawberry plants and guess what they are called: "Sweet Tommy"! We will always think of our 'man in the house' when we eat them, eh, nibble at their leaves, that is...
    Ha, magic word is drolin (drooling!).

  17. Oh Sir! You are a mam'! Girl power!!

  18. Girls rule! I cannot wait to find out little "Sir's" true name!

  19. Hi, Little Miss! I can't wait to hear your new name ;)

  20. Sir is a girl? how did that happen? this is going to be a little strange to get used to. well, she sure is a cutie pie. we can't wait to hear what her name is.


  21. Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't ID a kitten correctly! :D

  22. Wow! I never expected our Sir to be a little Madam! Looks like you're going to be the man of the house for a while, Tom.

  23. i have to admit to stopping by your website many times a day. why? because Sir, err.. Mam, is, in my terribly humble opinion, the cutest kitten on the web. (i mean, cuter than the itty bitty kitty comittee). thanks for sharing Mam and her soon to be housemates with the web.

  24. Wow! I'm shocked. And I thought we had the newest mancat in training. Well, the little miss is adorable as always!

  25. Little Madam looked stawtled, but I'm so happy , she was such a twoopew at the vets.
    This is vewy xiting . Can't wait to heaw hew name

  26. Yay!!! Nice surprise!!!

    Adele, Vincent & Bella

  27. funny..a little lady..a tom Boy..:)

  28. Sir is a girl??? Is this an April Fool's joke? ;)

  29. A girl. Who would've thought... So now she is getting introduced to her family very soon. We're looking forward to that story!

  30. OH NOES?!?!? Really trully???? Hrrrm... now how can a boy bits and girl bits be mixed up?!?!?!
    Momma REALLY notices the boy bits hahah or maybes our breed just has rather large ones before they is emptied.. lol
    Oh wow either way Nice to meet you mam! :))


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