Friday, 24 April 2009

FRIDAY! Of Fights, Frootbats and Foodies...


Dear Friends,
When #1 and I logged on to Misha's site this morning, we were fully expecting to see a win for Samson, as he was pulling ahead again fast when we went to sleep last night. Imagine our surprise when we saw that I had won, and by almost 100 votes! How did this happen? It is just amazing and we are (almost) speechless. Thank YOU, sweet and dear friends, for all of your support, and thank you Tommy, my brother, for beating the drum on my behalf!

We are all feeling a little weak at the thought that we now start all over again in the semi-finals. Will we have the staying power necessary? We will certainly try and will once again hope for your support. Onward and upward!

Purrs to all,

This being Friday, we have frootbat pics for you. First me:

and then our Frootbat-in-Training:

And on the subject of little Sei-Chan, she is turning out to be a bit of a foodie.

First there was this...

Day 1 - Muscling in on my food bowl

Then there was this...

Day 3 - Muscling in on #1's pasta..

And finally this:

Day 4: Muscling in on Tommy's dinner!

Lock up your supplies! We have a tiny food guerilla on board!!!

PS: We just joined TWITTER. Our user name is ThePoupounette. Give a shout if you're on it too!


  1. What wonderful frootyness!

    Congratulations on winning your match in Kitty Fight Club, Tama-Chan! I think I pulled out some of my furs, I was so overexcited!

    As for Sei-Chan, I though she was a litteh, not a little piggy! Love Tommy's expression in that last photo - he's all "WTF?!".

  2. I meant 'kitteh', not 'litteh' (unless we make up as a new word meaning 'little kitteh').

    P.S. Love your hovertext!

  3. Ha! Tommy - that WAS your food!
    Tama-Chan is that really you? My, you look stunning! And so grown up! Concats on winning this hard fought battle in the KFC!
    Sei-Chan, Chilli sees a future for you in the Silky and Slender Crew, so you might want to stop muscling in on everyone's else food. ; )
    Love you all!
    Your floofy underdog, Siena.

  4. You have to watch these bold little ones. They take over the house and then they eat all your food. Your toys will be next.

    Congratulations on your quarterfinal win. Let us know when voting starts for the next round.

    Good to hear that you only have a few grooming implements in France. We have way too many here.

    Your friend,

  5. KHOOL news!

    Oh my, she's soooooo purrrrry something!

    The look on Tommy's face is priceless!

    Happy Friday!

    PeeEssWoo: Good Lukhk Tommy!

  6. Concatulations, Tama-Chan! Kitty Fight Club is rough, all the cuteness in one place just can't be good!:) MOL!

    Sei-Chan, you look so teeny in Tommy's food bowl!

  7. Congratulations!
    It was a hard competition!
    Bravo bravo!!

    ViVi & AB

  8. Poor Tommy looks like he is gonna cry. But he's such a good boy to just stand back and let the little one do that! Sei-Chan, are you enjoying all the new foods?

  9. Froot! Froot! I love all the frootness! Big froot, little froot, your house is filled with froots!

    Dear Little Sei-chan,

    Food is good. Eat as much as you can, whenever you can.

    Your friend,


    Hi, Tommy!

  10. Congratulations Tama-Chan on your win! I'm glad I don't have to go up against you in the semi's because my mom might have to vote for you....

  11. Congratulations Tama-Chan on making it to the semi-finals! I'm super excited for you, and Tom did do a great job of spreading the word.

    Terrific frooty flavor on the blog today as well! :)

  12. Congratulations on winning the match Tama-Chan. Sei-Chan, it looks like you've all ready figured out that food is one of the most important things in life... lucky that you've got so much too choose from :-D

  13. Congratulations Tama-chan! I'm so happy for you.

    Sei-chan, enjoy all that lovely food.

    Thank you for the frootbat pictures :)

    Tommy, you are such a sweetie.

    9 and Chani

  14. Congratulations, Tama-Chan! You can do it!

  15. Awesome froot bats!

    Sei-Chan appears to be quite a hungry little kitteh. hee hee


  16. Growing kittens are very, very hungry! :-D

    Head bonks from Gandalf and Grayson

  17. Well, you hafta eat lotsa food2 ifa youa gonna have big muscles!

  18. Good girl, human food is wonderful. Tommy is too nice to just let her eat his food.


  19. Wow, Sei-Chan must have metabolism like a...a kitten! :D

  20. Hehehehe.....the last picture is looks like Patch, Tom, when Olli tries his food!!!

    Love your Frootbat photos!!!
    Happy Weekend!

  21. Well done on getting through that round!

    Poor Tommy - his face says it all in that picture!

  22. Watch out for the food gorilla - what will she get next?

    Congrats on moving to the next round. Just be sure to post a few reminders about when we can vote again - another win is on the horizon!!!!

    Woos, the OP Pack

  23. What great news!! Congratz, Tama-chan!

    We also love the last picture, Sei-chan looks so small... and so bold.

    Abby & Stygia

  24. Tama-Chan, congratulations on your win in KFC! You are growing up to be such a beautiful girlcat. You look gorgeous in that picture. We love the look on Tommy's face as Sei-Chan tastes his food.

  25. Oh my word, we thought that was a kitten, not a piglet! Better get some locks for all your foodables.

    Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella


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