Tuesday 18 September 2018

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: So, #1 is back and we are looking forward to a few short weeks of "normal" until she takes off again, this time across the ocean. But we will deal with that when the time comes. In the meantime, we are just enjoying our days.

Yesterday morning, #1 found herself with all three of us on the bed when she woke up. That is highly unusual!

I hung around on the bed even after the others had gone:

We have had lots of sunpuddles lately:

#1 says that you can see from this photo where my Beebs gets his looks!



  1. your #1 will cross the ocean? oh I hope not with a ship, that mostly ends with a movie ,O))))

  2. All 3 of you on the bed at the same time?
    Are you trying to convince #1 to stay home ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. I'm glad you are getting some "normal" time for a while before #1 takes off again!

  4. You sure look happy about #1 being home for a while!

  5. Is #1 coming to America, or Canada? How cool!

  6. Awww it's so sweet three of you kept company for # 1 together :-)

  7. Good company in the morning ! Purrs

  8. We bet all three of you were looking to get lots of those hugs with #1. Enjoy every minute with her before she heads out again.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. we area glad #1 will be around for a little bit

  10. Make the most of your time on the bed with #1. At least you can do that for a few weeks.

  11. We are happy to see that #1 is back for the time being until the next trip across the ocean. Love seeing the photo of you all together on the bed. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a great day and a safe trip #1.
    World of Animals

  12. We suspect that you are doing your darndest to let #1 know you want her home! With you!

  13. You are looking beautiful as ever Miss Tama-Chan.

  14. Coucou Tama,
    Ca fait du bien de temps en temps la normalité !
    Je suis sure que ta #1 a compris votre message à tous les trois ...


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