Sunday 9 September 2018

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: Sunday again at the end of a week when #1 was gone for two nights and two days. Next week, gasp..., #1 will be gone for four nights and almost five days! This really will not do! Well, at least there is Mr. G, right?

We will start with the Vs since they were not featured in last week's SoS post. Here she is first with Miss Violette. Sorry about the headcollar flap that is half hiding her face!

And here is #1 with The Big V:

I of course got in my usual snuggles with Tommy:

Next is not  snuggle shot, but just look at this photo!

Yes! That is me and my Beebs napping next to one another. A first!!!

Needless to say, my Beebs has also been snuggling with #1:

And Da Velcro Genj too!

And here is Tommy first thing in the morning, waiting for tummy rubs from #1:

We will try to continue blogging normally all week but no promises, especially on visits!


  1. Sweet snuggle photos! I get to snuggle with patients today at one of my regular hospitals.

  2. Oh my goodness, those snuggle shots are absolutely wonderful!

  3. Those are wonderful, wonderful snuggles!

  4. Such sweet snuggling photos! Tommy, I’m not sure where your head is in the last picture :-) But I bet you got lots of tummy rubs!

  5. Lovely snuggles. The Vs both look so gentle and loving.

  6. It sounds like you all have to get your snuggles with #1 in early this week to make up for her absence.

  7. We hope you all spent the day getting lots of snuggles since you won't have that many opportunities this week. Safe travels to #1, and nice job on this week's snuggles.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Those are some great snuggles. We think you all should sit on #1 so she can’t go anywhere.

  9. Vous devriez vous mettre tous à faire des calins à votre #1 en même temps. Comme ça elle ne pourrait plus bouger ....


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