Wednesday 4 September 2013

Almost Whinny-Less Wednesday!

Hi Everyone, Violette here! I miss my #1..... She may be coming to see me and the Big V tomorrow. Ms. S has said she would drive her over. In the meantime, look at some of the stuff Ms. S brought back for #1 from Picardy as a thank you for looking after all of Vidock's family last week!


  1. Oh Violette! I know you can't wait to see #1. Give her lots and lots of snuggles when she gets there. That will go a long way toward her healing. Kisses to you sweet girl.


  2. They sure look like tasty treats for #1

  3. We're sure #1 will give you and Vidock lots of hugs when she sees you tomorrow.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. You have your own drink ? That must be a special vintage of champagne. We hope #1 will get to visit you soon.

  5. Violette j'espère vraiment que ta #1 viendra vous voir toi et Vidock demain. Ca voudra dire que ça va un peu mieux.

    A une dizaine de km derrière chez moi il y a un joli petit endroit qui s'appelle Pont du Loup. On y trouve une confiserie (fabrique et magasin) qui fait entre autre ... du sirop de violette, des feuilles dans le sucre, de la confiture aussi....

  6. She brought some good stuff!
    Benny & Lily

  7. Her healing will be long but sweet : snuggles of you all, and bonbons à la violette : best wishes for a quick recovery ! Purrs

  8. we hope #1 gets over to visit - those gifts look lovely!

  9. I love the human treats #1 was given! I hope she is able to see you and Vidock tomorrow, Violette!

  10. Those are nice treats for #1. Violette, I am sure #1 is missing you as much as you are missing her.

  11. We hope #1 gets to visit you tomorrow!

  12. Yummyliciousness!!

    Pibble wiggles
    Brinks and Bella


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