Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! I am a little late in posting as we overslept. I hope you don't mind. This morning is lovely, with lots of sunpuddles, so here are a few nice pics of me glowing in the sun:

In this one, I have just finished my breakfast and am enjoying a digestive pause in my carrier:

Of course, I don't need the sun to glow. #1 always says that I glow all the time because I am very special and the Queen! Here I am yesterday evening:

We are enjoying #1 as much as we can since she is leaving us again on Saturday. This time she is going to England for some "admin" and to see friends and visit a wonderful new exhibition at the National Gallery. Mr. G will be stepping up and taking excellent care of us. She will return next Wednesday evening.


  1. A little extra nap in the sunshine is just very worthwhile. We know how much you like Mr G., but you'll certainly miss #1.

  2. And trips to England include filling the boot with cadeaux for all of YOU!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - oeufs are $6.00 although Benning and Pepper may be increasing them - to $6.50 - we signed up for our Spring CSA and the egg share was suspended at the time - we'll need to see

  3. we wish you a super time together and we hope your number one has a fantabulous time in uk...

  4. You are indeed the Queen and we think you should use your queenlieness to declare she can't leave you home again. ha ha

  5. You glow beautifully, Tama. I hope #1 has a lovely time in England.

  6. You look beautiful basking in your sun puddles, Tama.

  7. Glad you are going well, Tama-Chan!
    Colour me green with envy; #1 is going to the National Gallery!

  8. I hope #1 has a fun and successful visit! Tama-Chan, you are lovely as always. I love to see you glowing in the sun, and I love to see you glowin with your inner sweetnes, Linda

  9. You are looking as lovely as always, Tama-Chan. We hope #1 has a great trip and brings back lots of tasty treats for all of you.

  10. Tama, you look so beautiful in the sun. Enjoy it because you never know when it will disappear - that's what happens here all the time.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. You do always glow sweet and beautiful Tama. Tell #1 to be super careful please.


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