Monday, 10 March 2025

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Welcome to our weekly post that is full of manly goodness. I am your host, Fluff Puff. I think that we will start this week's post with our woofie brother, Ollie. On Saturday, he went on an adventure with #1 and there, he met a Jack Russell by the name of Microbe!

Ollie has been taking his anti-inflammatories and his MovoFlex. He is still a little gimpy but less so, and #1 is doing her best to keep him quiet. Here is a nice pic she took of him in the garden:

Here is my big bro, Benny, hanging out with one of Ollie's stuffies:

In this one, you can even see his eyes!

Ryū-Chan caught in his sky hammock in the study:

And trying to look coy...

Last but not least is ME! Here I am, helping #1 put the shopping away:

And one of me on my window hammock, doing a dangle!

We hope you all have a good week!


  1. the jacky was named microbe LOL? on my! hugs to sweet ollie we hope the meds help ... and a big hug to you all ...

  2. I am glad Ollie's limp is improving. Sweet photos of all of you including the JRT.

  3. I bet it's difficult for Ollie to have to be so calm when he would rather be outside running. These are all great pictures of the family. Have a great week Momo..


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