Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Greetings to all of you, Dear Friends. Having missed my post last week, I am so pleased to be back to posting normally today.

#1 has been a tad on the grumpy side due to the "issue" with woofie Ollie. Dr. C has prescribed some  anti-stress medication for him, and we are all hoping that it will help. In the interim, it is up to me to look after #1.

I am crossing my paws that things will settle down with Ollie.

A Queen's work is never done!


  1. Always lovely to see you, Tama. I hope the anti stress meds help Ollie. Maybe you could speak to him and find out what it is all about.

  2. we cross our paws too for good news from your ollie...

  3. We continue to send you lots of SpanielZen and healing vibes, Ollie!

  4. Tama-Chan of course we hope that Ollie gets this sorted out soon. I'm sure he's not very happy first having a limp and now being overexcited. You seem to be handling this very calmly yourself.

  5. Your subjects are lucky to have you!

    PeeEssWoo Ollie Ollie Ollie

  6. You are looking as lovely as always, Tama-Chan. We have our paws crossed too that Ollie gets better soon.

  7. Tama, you are looking SO lovely!
    I purr that Ollie will return to his better self and the incidents will stop. I am sending purrs.
    Purrs Winnie

  8. Beautiful Tama - so nice to see you today. Tell Ollie we hope he is feeling better.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Hello beautiful Tama! Gosh, I sure hope Ollie is all better super soon.

  10. Chaplin: "It must be tough to be the Queen, Tama-Chan, but it looks very good on you!"
    Lulu: "We send lots of tail wags for the meds to help Ollie with his accidents!"
    Charlee: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"


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