Sunday, 16 March 2025

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: As promised, here is our weekly SoS post which #1 helped me prepare before she left for London. I think we will start with yet another nice photo of her and the big girls, Violette and Heloise:

We did manage a little selfie with #1:

Mr. G snagged this nice shot of #1 and Benny:

Here are Benny and Momo:

#1 and Ryū:

Benny and Ollie:

Fun pic by Mr. G of Benny on his lap with me, Queen Tama, next to him:

And then #1 got this pic of Benny enjoying Mr. G's and Ms. N's laps simultaneously!

We hope you have a warm and snuggly Sunday!


  1. Lovely snuggles. #1 looks so small between the big girls. Benny is everyone's friend.

  2. Great snuggles on Sunday and Violette and Heloise look huge with #1 in between them!

  3. the first and last have a huge smile on my face, loved all in between also.. super shots selfie sunday

  4. Oh my heavens, though these pix are all delightful, the one with #1 and Benny is an award winner for sure! Fabulous SOS post.

  5. Snuggles for all!

    We know #1 will be having a great AND busy time!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - time to start my GKP WFH shift!

  6. Those are all great snuggle pictures this week.

  7. A lot of loving snuggles! I enjoyed seeing your horses, Ollie and all the cats! Linda

  8. Always lovely to see your snuggles.

  9. I love the two laps selfie. That is so clever! Great to see the girls, too. Hopefully #1 has a great trip and stay in London.
    Purrs to you all for such lovely snuggle on Sunday shots.

  10. Well, we couldn't possibly ask for a better SoS post!!! Great shots.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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