Saturday, 22 March 2025

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: Spring has been springing at Poupounette Central, and #1 took some pics of Tommy and Bibi's graves with all the flowers around them.

Her thoughts have been going of late to Blue Boy Genji,who came to join us at the Bridge four years ago, so here are some nice pics of him, all taken in the spring of 2020, during lockdown.

Forever Loved, as we all are.


  1. These are lovely photos of Genji. We never stop loving and missing those who have passed on. Bibi's and Tommy's graves look lovely with the hyacinths.

  2. Wonderful flowers for such angels.

  3. Such a lovely remembrance. It is always nice to look back at the ones that came before and is a great way to remember them. Mum and I miss them too(well, more mum than me as I did not know all that came before)
    Purrs Winnie

  4. the graves are perfect and so beautiful, and Genji was gorgeous... I came after they were gone

  5. What a looker - and now NAK gets to see him when he passes by her -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - heading out soon - hope we get to see Benning & Pepper!

  6. Charlee: "We always love to see our angel friends, and the flowers around Tommy and Bibi's resting places are so beautiful!"

  7. Such beautiful memories of your sweet Genji.

  8. That is a very nice memorial area.

  9. What a pretty garden!!! Our hyacinths are just starting to bloom here. Genji was just so adorable and handsome too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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