Thursday, 23 January 2025

Thankful Thursday


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! It's me again. I wanted to say that I was so thankful to go to Ms. C's with #1 on Tuesday. She got to play with the big horses but I got to play with my daughter Lily, Leonie, Kuma and another visitor I really like, Melba!

Isn't Melba the cutest?

Even though Kuma is only seven months old, he is already a lot bigger than all of us! But I like to think that I'm still boss for now.

In order of heads, from left to right: Me, Lily, Kuma, Leonie and Melba, getting treats from Ms. C.

#1 says it's really good for woofies to have lots of woofie friends, and I am thankful for mine!


  1. oooh what cute friends you have... and we love melba.. this beautiful ears...

  2. Having a playdate with friends sure looks like fun, Ollie!

  3. love that last shot of your PACK... so much fun. running with the pack is what most dogs love. when we had 3 dogs at one time, they lovved to romp and run and fake fight... thanks for sharing your fun visit

  4. Ollie this was a perfect trip for you. And so soon after your gotcha day. Lots of romping.

  5. How fun that you have so many friends to play with and you all get along so well.

  6. Ollie, it looks like you had a lot of fun at doggy school.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. I'm glad you had such a fun time Ollie and yes, Melba really is a cutie!

  8. Wow! Pooches everywhere!

  9. Java Bean: "Melba is adorable! I just want to boop her!"
    Lulu: "It looks like such a fun time to be a dog there!"


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