Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to my weekly post. We had some awesome sunpuddles on Sunday, and this time I made sure they did not move!

We have another sunny day today and then it's supposed to rain the rest of the week, so I had better stock up whilst I can!

By the way, I have a new "fancy" collar to complement my BioFlow collar. It's a very pretty traditional Japanese collar! It's really soft and comfortable to wear!


  1. You look very lovely in the sun puddles :))

  2. wow you have sunpuddles! we have just fog... do you think they wander westwards to bring some warmth to us too?

  3. You are lucky to have sun puddles. Every day is overcast here, but at least it is dry. Your new collar is lovely.

  4. We love your new collar, Tama, and stay warm in those sunPuddles!

  5. You are a very fortunate girl. Some puddles and a brand new beautiful necklace. It's too too cold here.

  6. all that sunshine enhances your furs beautifully. new collar looks really cute comy

  7. Your SUN puddles would be snowy ones here!

    PeeEssWoo Hi Ollie...one degree F this morning...they say MINUS ONE tomorrow!

  8. You are so lucky to have so much sun, Tama-Chan. It's in short supplie where we live.

  9. You always look so pretty in the sunpuddles, Tama. Even though Timber absolutely loves to be out in our frigid temps, every morning around 11, IF the sun is out, he finds the best sunpuddle in the family room and soaks up those rays.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. You sure look happy and warm in that most wonderful sunpuddle sweet Tama!

  11. What a pretty collar and its cute little decoration!

    Belated Happy Gotcha Greetings for your woofie Brofur, Ollie!!

  12. Chaplin: "There isn't much better to lie in than a sunpuddle, is there, Tama-Chan?"


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