Monday, 20 January 2025

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Fluffy Hellos, Everyone! It's me Momo, once again hosting the Manly Monday post. This week, we have a special participant who hasn't been around that much recently. So, without further ado, TaDaaaaa! It's The Big V, looking as handsome as ever!

Moving back to Poupounette Central, we had some really nice sunpuddles yesterday morning and #1 was out with her camera in force! You know me, I am always the bestest boy, so imagine my surprise when she told me off!

I'm sure it was open, #1, and I was just checking that the contents were all present and correct!

Benny was busy basking in the sun:

#1 did get this fun pic of Benny and Ryū:

Ryū-Chan, just like me, loves hanging out at the window hammock:

Ollie loves going to Ms. C's where he can play with the girls, Lily and Leonie, and pup Kuma (who is huge!). Here is a fun pic of him and Leonie:

We hope you all have a great week!

PS: We want to say a big thank you to the Cat Blogosphere for mentioning Ollie today. It is actually his Gotcha Day! His birthday is on October 30th. Happy Gotcha Day, Ollie. You have grown into a fine pup!


  1. Lovely to see you, Vidock. If a door is open then it must be checked, Momo. Lovely photo of Benny, and also of Benny and Ryū. Nice photo of Ollie and Leonie too.


  2. And bon anniversaire to your kitty that the Blogosphere mentioned as having a birthday.

    1. Thank you! It's actually Ollie's Gotcha Day. His birthday is on October 30th!

  3. great set of photos and now we want to see Kuma. we love big dogs. and BIG horses named Big V.. you all look like you enjoyed the sunshine.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day Ollie. You look very good there visiting with your friend. All of you look very good and we were glad to see Big V.

  5. The Big V is really a BIG DUDE, isn't he?
    Happy Gotchaversary, Ollie.
    Ryū-Chan, Benny and Momo: looking good!

  6. You boys are all looking great today. Happy Gotcha Day, Ollie.

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Ollie!!! And Momo - that manly look of innocence:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. We had to work hard to get beyond The Oh So Handsome Le Grand V!!!

    Of course, NAK KNOWS you were a hoodlum Momo -

    PeeEssWoo: Happy Gotcha Day Ollie!!! I know NAK would add that her Malamute BF - NAS - from Iowa - had the October 30th birthday!!!

  9. Such wonderful photos of you all! Oops, sorry about that Ollie. I had it correct on the calendar, I just typed it wrong in my notes for the month.

  10. You have the prettiest black and white cats I have seen

  11. Lulu: "Great job with the synchronized tail-wagging, Ollie and Leonie!"


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