Monday, 13 January 2025

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Happy New Week, Everyone! It' cold here. No snow but everything was white outside this morning, just like me! I'll let you in on a secret... Our tree is still up! #1 says it's so nice to have the lights that she hasn't yet had the heart to take them down. Maybe later in the week.

Here's a nice cozy pic of me:

Followed by a fun one that Mr. G took at the entrance of our cat run:

Next is a pic of Ollie in the kitchen. Do you notice his black undercarriage? That's Benny!

Here is one of Benny getting scritches from Ms. N. Those claws are quite harmless!!!

And here is one of Ollie and Benny hanging out together:

Little Ryū remains hard to photograph as he is so much on the move. Here is what we have for you this week:

Wishing you all a good week!


  1. You are all looking very handsome and manly. We have had some hard frosts here too.

  2. have a great start into a super week... we hope the icy cold is over soon

  3. Dawn's tree is still up but now going to be a Valentine's Tree!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - enjoy YOUR 'venture!

  4. I like leaving the tree up for little, too! You boys are very sweet. Linda

  5. the last photo has me laughing. love it. Ollie and Benny are birds of a feather, flocking together, make that black furs, not feathers ha ha

  6. You boys are all looking great! Little Ryu-Chan is doing an excellent job at dangles in that last picture.

  7. Whoa, that pic of Ryū-Chan has him looking a bit demonic, no?

  8. We still have 2 small trees up with lights - an autumn tree and an apple tree. Happy Monday!

  9. All so manly!!! That is a great shot of Ollie's underskirt:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Those are all wonderful photos and we do miss our tree.


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