Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Here I am, Dear Friends, on the best day of the week, mine! The weather has been sunny and cold the past few days and we are so happy to see some sunpuddles at last. #1 has been taking lots of pics of me, so I have fodder for my post.

Don't you think I look good for a senior lady?

Oh, that sun feels so good!

A kittenish moment!

Keeping an eye out for the little pests:


Can you get that sunpuddle to move over a bit, please?

Wherever you are, I hope that you too have sunpuddles to enjoy!


  1. we hope for some sunpuddles... it is still too cold here...

  2. We love your Tuesday posts Tama!!

  3. I hope the sun moved and you did not have to move into it. ha ha you are beautiful and I am smiling

  4. Sunshine and kitty cats definitely go together. And your pictures prove it.

  5. You look most happy in your sunpuddles, Tama! Our temps are cold too and thankfully, the sun is out here too!

  6. You look good for an old or young cat, Tama! And I hope you get a lot of sun on your day. Linda

  7. Well done Queen T!

    PeeEssWoo: HI Ollie...I would love to share a Sweet Potato with you!

  8. Timber found a good sunpuddle to bask in today after his morning nap in a snowpile. As we said yesterday, you really do look quite like a kitten to us.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. You do look most fabulous sweetest Tama!

  10. Chaplin: "We love to see you enjoying your sunpuddles, Tama-Chan!"

  11. You look marvelous, Tama-Chan. We could use some of that sun around here as we've been in a mostly cloudy atmosphere lately.

  12. Any photo of a dear senior lady is most splendid, says I.


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