Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Dear Friends, for my first post of 2025, I have a video for you. It's just one video but it is a wonderful video that Mr. G took of #1 giving me cuddles. I personally think it is the best video ever, especially the kiss at the end. What do you think?

PS: Thanks for your kind words about #1's eyes. She is all better. She realised that she had had an allergic reaction to a cream she had used to try and mask the bags under her eyes! To quote Jane Austen (Emma); "Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief"! 


  1. you are right! this is The Best Ever Video. Wow, I smiled and may have purred while watching it. I LOVE the quote. I had to give up mascara, any make up other than pressed powder, and only have one cream for my face. for dry skin... eyes no longer allow anything on the face

  2. Queen Tama-Chan you and #1 make the perfect pair. Glad she's feeling better and that you look gorgeous in your red collar.

  3. What a sweet video. We loved hearing your happy purrs, Tama-Chan.

  4. That is a very sweet video, Tama. I am glad #1's eyes are better now.

  5. tama queen, yoo haz sum berry pritty jewelz!!!

  6. So sweet, Tama. You sure were enjoying your lovely massage from #1.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Hello sweet Tama, that was a wonderful, wonderful video of you sweetie!

  8. What a happy royal Queen T - and yes, that ending - c'est magnifique!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Your turn now!

  9. Wonderful video - so much love !

  10. Chaplin: "That was some serious ear-skritching, Tama-Chan. I approve."
    Charlee: "And the kiss at the end ... ?"
    Chaplin: "NO KISSES!!!"
    Charlee: "I love kisses."
    Chaplin: "Weirdo."


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