Friday, 31 January 2025

Vidock & Violette Vendredi


Vidock: Handsome Neighs, EveryFriend! The Big V here. As you know, #1 is very busy with her big project. She has hardly left the house this week! But Ms. A sent her this nice photo of me in my comfortable stable. 

And then, Ms. C sent her a photo of Miss Violette getting her hooficure!

That is all we can manage today. Wishing you a nice weekend!

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Thankful Thursday


Ryū-Chan: I asked #1 the other day why she had not given me an Egyptian name since I am supposed to be descended from the gods of Egypt. She just laughed at me and said I should count myself lucky to have such a nice name. My full name is Uryū which means Rain Dragon, and boy has it been raining a lot recently! Yesterday, the heating oil delivery truck got stuck in the mud when it arrived here. We are thankful that the guy managed to call a friend with a tractor who was able to pull it out. And today, I am thankful for my wonderful window hammock where I so often take my afternoon nap.

"I'm asleep, #1."

"Can I help you with something?"

"No? Well, now that I am awake, I might as well spend some time pampering myself."

"Can I go back to sleep now?"

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Welcome, Dear Friends! Thank you for joining me on my day to share my news and views. As we mentioned, #1 has started work on her big project and I know she just could not do it without me. I am not at all sure why she mumbles under her breath about my tail...

The weather has been pretty awful with lots of wind and rain. There is quite a lot of flooding around us. We are fine as we are up on a hill. Things are so crazy that it will be pelting down one minute and then there will be sunpuddles the next! I don't mind too much as long as I get my numerous daily meals. #1 snagged this pic of me eating one of them yesterday:

My diet needs to be very low fat, so I get fresh chicken breast cooked in the oven and sliced fine and small every day, plus canned foods that are around or less than 1% fat ,and a tiny bit of stuff in gravy that's around 2.5% fat. It is all delicious, I am happy to say!

As mentioned elsewhere, young Momo seems to like hanging around with me when I'm helping #1 with her work or social media. He is a sweet boy, so I don't mind.

#1 also managed to catch me as I was attending to my furs. She also takes time out from her work to brush me regularly!

And now, if you'll forgive me, it's time for my nap.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Benny's Manly Monday


Benny: #1 said I could have a go at doing the Manly Monday post this week as I, after all, had to go to the vet last week for my boosters. Dr. C is really very nice, but it was still a stressful occasion, starting with getting my temperature taken:

I was a really good boy and the vet tech, Ms. K, gave me lots of scritches, so I was purring up a storm.

I weigh exactly the same as I did last year, 5.15 kilos (just over 11lb) and Dr. C said I looked good. #1 asked her about my eyes which are so often tearing, and she said it was sadly a remnant of my youth. #1 is supposed to put ointment in both my eyes for a week, but she is yet to start on this.

I was pretty tired when I got home and so I had a nice long nap:

After which I found a nice box to sit in:

My bro, Momo, likes to hang out at the window in the study upstairs:

And he likes to hang out with our woofie bro, Ollie:

Here is an Ollie close-up for you:

As for young Ryū, aside from being told off by #1 umpteen times a day for bothering Queen Tama, he has the cheek to give us lectures about how his ancestors were worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt... The nerve!

We had a pretty stormy weekend with high ends and lots of rain, so here's hoping for more clement weather in the coming days.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: #1 has started work on her big project and so, aside from a few days in late February when she needs to go to Belgium for a training course, she says she will be chained to her desk for the next six weeks. That is fine by all of us!

These days, when I snuggle up next to #1 to help her with her work, I often have company close by:

That's fine, as long as he doesn't interfere with my time with #1.

He, Momo that is, still loves to snuggle with Ollie:

And here is Benny snuggled up with Ollie:

You'll have to take our word for it but here is Ryū having a snuggle with #1 in bed:

We wish you all a lovely and snuggly Sunday.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

So long ago Saturday...


Rainbow Sei: #1 and I were wondering about this today's souvenir post and we thought we might do something different this week. So, here is a link to our Snuggles on Sunday post from January 19, 2014. That's 11 years ago and many of us were still at Poupounette Central. So, here is a trip down memory lane.

Did you even recognise The Big V?

Oh, and here is a pic of me from January 2014, just for fun!

Friday, 24 January 2025

Feline Friday


Benny: And another week comes to an end. This morning, I'm going with #1 to Dr. C's for my annual boosters. I told her I would be a good boy. I always am.

Here I am, enjoying one of my favourite locations, in the guest bathroom:

Here I am, with my bro, Momo, hanging with our woofie bro, Ollie:

A smiling Ryū!

And here is Queen Tama watching an episode of Simon's Cat with #1. Do you know Simon's Cat? It is one of our all-time favourites!

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Thankful Thursday


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! It's me again. I wanted to say that I was so thankful to go to Ms. C's with #1 on Tuesday. She got to play with the big horses but I got to play with my daughter Lily, Leonie, Kuma and another visitor I really like, Melba!

Isn't Melba the cutest?

Even though Kuma is only seven months old, he is already a lot bigger than all of us! But I like to think that I'm still boss for now.

In order of heads, from left to right: Me, Lily, Kuma, Leonie and Melba, getting treats from Ms. C.

#1 says it's really good for woofies to have lots of woofie friends, and I am thankful for mine!

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Wednesday Whinnies


Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! We had a busy day yesterday as Ms. C moved us from the big field down the road from her house to the slightly less big field behind her house. It's nice to be right close to the house in case anyone comes by with carrots or apples, which #1 did yesterday! I played it very cool, though, and didn't rush over like my sister, Héloïse. I was busy munching on the grass. It tastes a little different here from the other field. #1 says I remind her more and more of my Mama, Hôtesse, who also made it a habit of not coming over!

Anyway, this is the first sight she caught of us! As you can see, it was pretty foggy. I'm second from the right and my sis is in the middle:

A little later, we were a little closer to the entrance to the field:

And then Héloïse rushed over to get her treats:. She also got her head collar from the transfer removed.

Whilst I continued munching on the grass. Don't worry, Ms. C snuck some apples and carrots to me later!

The Big V: Handsome Neighs, EveryFriend! I have another video for you. Ms. A is telling me to come over and say hi to #1, so I went over and smooched the camera!

#1 mentioned that she was going to be hugely busy over the coming 6-7 weeks, so visits to the girls will be curtailed, and our posting and commenting will probably be reduced. But she'll be earning €€€ to pay for the lifestyle we are all accustomed to!

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to my weekly post. We had some awesome sunpuddles on Sunday, and this time I made sure they did not move!

We have another sunny day today and then it's supposed to rain the rest of the week, so I had better stock up whilst I can!

By the way, I have a new "fancy" collar to complement my BioFlow collar. It's a very pretty traditional Japanese collar! It's really soft and comfortable to wear!

Monday, 20 January 2025

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Fluffy Hellos, Everyone! It's me Momo, once again hosting the Manly Monday post. This week, we have a special participant who hasn't been around that much recently. So, without further ado, TaDaaaaa! It's The Big V, looking as handsome as ever!

Moving back to Poupounette Central, we had some really nice sunpuddles yesterday morning and #1 was out with her camera in force! You know me, I am always the bestest boy, so imagine my surprise when she told me off!

I'm sure it was open, #1, and I was just checking that the contents were all present and correct!

Benny was busy basking in the sun:

#1 did get this fun pic of Benny and Ryū:

Ryū-Chan, just like me, loves hanging out at the window hammock:

Ollie loves going to Ms. C's where he can play with the girls, Lily and Leonie, and pup Kuma (who is huge!). Here is a fun pic of him and Leonie:

We hope you all have a great week!

PS: We want to say a big thank you to the Cat Blogosphere for mentioning Ollie today. It is actually his Gotcha Day! His birthday is on October 30th. Happy Gotcha Day, Ollie. You have grown into a fine pup!