Wednesday 25 September 2024

Well-met on Wednesday


#1 here. Hello, everyone. You may remember that, when I went to England in early July I met Perdie and Sherlock, two lovely kitties who were adopted by my friends Ms. N and Mr. M a few months previously. This trip was a lovely opportunity to see them again and get to know them a little better .

Liker all good kitties, they love boxes. The first shot is Perdie and then comes Sherlock.

Perdie has a beautiful heart on her back/side:

She checked out my suitcase:

Sherlock really loved the treats I took them!

And Perdie loved the fact that I knew to put my plate on the floor so she could pre-clean it.

Ms. N sent me these photos after I left. First, Perdie enjoying "my" unmade bed:

And Sherlock followed suit!

It was a delight to spend some time with these two!


  1. how cute... and they loved you and they know immediately you are a super good peep :O)

  2. They are lovely and gave you a proper welcome.


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