Thursday 12 September 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ryū-Chan: I have been watching over #1 and am very thankful to tell you that she is finally beginning to feel better. She went to see the human vet who insisted she get tested for covid, the flu and other stuff. Everything came back negative. It's "just" a bad bout of bronchitis, and she thinks she has now turned the corner. Still coughing but a lot less.

Here I am on duty:

And here are my kitten bros, Benny and Momo, helping:

And Ollie is always there to lend a paw:

Queen Tama is in charge of ground floor support and supervision: 

Tomorrow, #1, Ollie, Mr. G and Ms. N are finally going up to see The Big V. They need to leave early so we won't be posting. But we hope to have lots of great photos and videos of The Big V to post afterwards! Please forgive us again for our absence. We will soon be back to regular programming!


  1. give the Big V a hug from me.. #1 is very blessed to have all of you to comfort and serve while under the weather. I have to say you do have Sitting On The Edge down pat... you have purrfect balance

  2. No need to apologize; we are glad to hear that your #1 is on the mend. You have all done great supporting her! We look forward to seeing photos of that big guy. Cuddles from us xx

  3. we are glad that yor number one is on the road ro recovery... lots of good vibrations to her

  4. Only being at home will help cure #1 and all of you to keep an eye on her. Purrs she feels much better soon and sooner.

  5. Welcome back!
    It so does look like you've all done a fine job watching your #1!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I bet you are tired from taking care of her - I only had to watch mine for a day or so when her COVID booster kicked her butt and made her SLEEPY - like one of those KHATS!

  6. We are so happy that #1 is feeling better. Have a safe trip!

  7. Hooray, I'm so glad that #1 seems to be on the mend, that is great news!

  8. You are all doing a very good job of looking after #1.

  9. hope #1 iz all better soonest! yoo r taking berry good care ov her!

  10. You are doing an excellent job, Tama-Chan!

  11. We're glad to hear #1 is feeling better and we can't wait to hear your report about the Big V.

  12. Glad you have all nursed #1 almost back to health !

  13. Oh I've been very lax on visiting and didn't know #1 wasn't feeling well. I bet with all of you taking good care of her, she'll be back to normal in no time.

  14. Lulu: "#1 is lucky to have all of you looking after her! We send lots of tail wags for her to continue to feel better!"
    Charlee: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"


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