Tuesday 24 September 2024

Tama-Chan Thursday


Tama-Chan: #1 returned very late last night, having had the most wonderful time, and my heart is full. I did well whilst she was away and am eating very well. She will have to go to Dr. C's this afternoon with Benny as he appears to have an eye infection. We will keep you posted. And she says she spent time with some lovely kitties in England and will share that on tomorrow's post.

In the meantime...


  1. you look wonderful and happy and I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Poor Benny, sorry about the eye infection. welcome home #1

  2. Poor #1. She comes home and you are feeling much better and doing pretty well and then there's Benny with an eye problem. If it's not one thing it's another. We look forward to more pictures.

  3. Happy you're happier now, Miss Tama-Chan, but we'll put paws together for Benny ... oh my, all of you do keep #1 on "her toes" so to speak, don't you!

  4. hugs and lots of potp to you and da benny

  5. I am glad you did well while #1 was away. I hope the vet quickly gets Benny's eye infection sorted.

  6. We read of #1's fun on Facebook - that was EPIC!

    We were glad to see you are doing well - must have been Mr. G and Ollie's good work!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - were you happy to see #1?

  7. Tama-Chan, we continue to send purrs for you, and now for Benny too.

  8. We're glad to hear you are doing well, Tama-Chan. Our paws are crossed that Ollie's eye gets better soon.

  9. Purrs and prayers from all of us to you and Benny. I'm glad #1 made it home safely.

  10. Tama, I came specifically to see how you are. You look as sweet and precious as you are, And Benny, are you alright?

  11. We send both you and Benny positive vibes, Tama!

  12. Purrayers for Benny and that you continue to do well...and that #1 can spend some time at home !

  13. Good girl, Tama. We hope Benny is OK.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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