Wednesday 18 September 2024

Wordy Wednesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Everyone. It's me, Tama-Chan again! You remember how I mentioned yesterday that I hadn't been feeling great? Well, I then stopped eating and #1 packed me off to the vet without so much as a "by your leave"! Our vet, Dr. C is on vacation this week and so we saw the vet who is replacing her, and who turned out to be very thorough. She palpated me and thoughts my stomach felt a bit hard, so she did an ultrasound which immediately showed up a tumour in my liver. Eeek! That's no good. No good at all! I had had a wellness check with blood panel in May so she asked #1 if it would be OK to do another liver specific blood panel to see how I was reacting to this intrusion. Well, the results were once again... perfect! So, whatever this is, I am fighting it off quite well for now, except for the ...ahem... output issues I had been having. So, the vet put me on a much higher dose of prednisone for a while and she was able to give me an injection that will last two weeks! I also have to take a food supplement and #1 has to adjust my food to stuff that is highly digestible. I'll go back and see Dr. C in a couple of weeks to see how all that is working for me. In the meantime, I would appreciate any purrs you could send my way, as well as any advice from anyone who has had to deal with liver tumours (at this stage, we don't if it's benign or malignant). I have to tell you that I was good as a gold the whole time there and the vet and assistants thought I was just lovely. #1 remembered to take a few pics. whilst blood was being drawn

I have no idea where we will be going with this, but I know how much my #1 loves me and that she will take care of me in any way she can. Sadly, she is going to be away the next three weekends on various commitments, starting with a quick trip to England Friday to Monday for a 50th reunion at her Oxford college. Mr. G will of course take excellent care of me in the interim. She feels really bad about leaving me but I told her she must go as this is important and she has had a pretty hard time of late and needs a break. Thank you all for your support.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello everyone, and welcome to my weekly post. I have been feeling a little under the weather the past couple of days. I think it's because #1 continues to be as well, and I am so in synch with her. We are looking after each other.

I have just a few pics to share with you as there hasn't been a lot of photo-taking on an ongoing basis recently.

And that Benny sometimes gets a little too close for comfort!

What can a girl do?

Monday 16 September 2024

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: We came to a compromise with #1 and she said I could be the regular host for the Manly Monday post with my name in the credits. I think that's fair.

So, she went to see The Big V on Monday and I thought it would be nice to start with a couple of pics of him. First is his best smile, complete with drool from eating all the apples that #1 took him:

And here he is looking a tad more serious before going to work:

Next on the list is me! As you can see I know how to relax properly!

Little Ryū-Chan likes to go undercover:

And here is a close-up of Benny giving his paws a really good cleaning!

Ollie went to Honfleur to see The Big V, with Mr. G and Ms. N, and he enjoyed a carriage ride!

And then he went to the restaurant for lunch!

We wish you all a good week.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Welcome to our first SoS post in a while! I am sorry to say that #1 is still not back to 100% and the infection has gone on to her ears. But she is now taking antibiotics and she says they are already starting to kick in.

Thanks to the kindness of Mr. G, who drove all the way there and back, (five hours in all) #1 was able to go and visit The Big V on Friday. Do you think they were happy to see each other?

As you can imagine, he got LOTS of treats. Here is one pic. We'll share some more over the coming weeks.

And Ollie got to go along for the ride and could say hi to his big bro!

We kitties, especially Benny and me, have been looking after #1 as much as possible. Here I am giving her some healing snuggles:

And here is Benny hard at work. He may be a bit of a thug, but he really looks after #1!

And here are all three boys snuggling with her in bed in the morning:

Can you spot Momo? Not sure Ryū was actually snuggling, but he was there!

And just in case you were wondering, the Ollie-Benny "joined at the hip" show is ongoing!

We wish you a peaceful and restful Sunday. May snuggles find you, wherever you are.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ryū-Chan: I have been watching over #1 and am very thankful to tell you that she is finally beginning to feel better. She went to see the human vet who insisted she get tested for covid, the flu and other stuff. Everything came back negative. It's "just" a bad bout of bronchitis, and she thinks she has now turned the corner. Still coughing but a lot less.

Here I am on duty:

And here are my kitten bros, Benny and Momo, helping:

And Ollie is always there to lend a paw:

Queen Tama is in charge of ground floor support and supervision: 

Tomorrow, #1, Ollie, Mr. G and Ms. N are finally going up to see The Big V. They need to leave early so we won't be posting. But we hope to have lots of great photos and videos of The Big V to post afterwards! Please forgive us again for our absence. We will soon be back to regular programming!

Monday 9 September 2024

Monday Malady


Benny here! I wanted to let you know that #1 is home from the Paralympic Games but she returned completely exhausted and with a bad cough. She did do a test, she does not have covid, so that's good. She's going to the people vet this afternoon to see if she needs any medication. We'll return to regular blogging when we can. In the meantime, I, Benny, am taking good care of her!