Benny: Woe, Woe, WOE is me (and us in general)! Dear Friends, our tale of woe continues with #1 abandoning us again today, until Sunday evening. And she has already warned us that the same awful scenario will be repeated next week. By the time she is done with this round of madness, #1 will have been away five of the past six weekends! Can you believe the awfulness? She swears that will be the last one for a while, though.
And just to make matters worse, I got taken off to see Dr. C on Tuesday! My eye had been a little unwell for a while and then it was looking really sore. Dr. C had returned from vacation on Monday and off we went. She took a good look and said that I had had an ulcer which had healed itself but I now had raging conjunctivitis. I got a shot, have to have ointment in my eye twice a day for a week, and have to wear the cone of shame when unsupervised. If all goes well, I'll lose the cone today, or tomorrow at the latest, so at least I'm thankful for that, and my eye feels a lot better already.
Here are a couple of cone pics:
On the plus side, Queen Tama hasn't been hissing at me, and my pal Ollie is always there to provide moral support.
And when I sit on #1 lap in the evenings, she removes the cone!
So, it's the usual drill. We won't be posting over the weekend, and hope to be back next Monday. #1 will be off with the big horses this time.