Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! Ollie here! I had the most bestest fun day yesterday! As you know, we have a visitor from Japan, Mr. T. He is a professional horse logger and he is here this week to work with the Big V as well as Heloise and Violette to prepare them to represent Japan in a bg heavy horse event in mid-September. Yesterday morning, however, we left early and drove to the town of Le Mans, which is a little over an hour west of here. Every Tuesday morning, Ms. C, who looks after the Vs and Hs, collects recyclables in the old part of Le Mans with her gorgeous mare, Doupette. #1 had been wanting to go and see her at work for a while and this was he perfect opportunity, and she took me along!
Here they are first, with the empty garbage container:
And here they are, going through the narrow medieval streets, collecting the yellow bags:
The gorgeous Doupette in front of the St. Julien Cathedral:
#1 and I stopped for a coffee near the cathedral as they were getting ready.
When #1 rode on the vehicle on the way to collection points that were further afield, Mr. T looked after me:
He was holding me with one hand and picking up and chucking the bags over with the other!
I was also really busy reading all the pmails along the way.
I had the best time! I am so happy that #1 took me along. And it was great to see how much the residents enjoy having their trash picked up by a gorgeous Percheron horse!