Thursday 4 November 2021

Thankful Thursday


#1 here. Thank you for all the words of support re-my work situation. It's fairly ugly but I am trying to find the best way through the mire, and I really appreciate your support.

Today is thankful Thursday and I am thankful for the photo below of Tama and Benny. We are still a long way from any kind of friendship, but this shows growing tolerance, for which I am hugely thankful.


  1. we hope you can pull through and the bad moments will be history soon....

  2. Mum and I send lots of virtual hugs and purrs and hope the work will be done soon!
    That picture is so cute.
    Purrs Julie

  3. What a wonderful picture of you two napping together. We are keeping our paws crossed that #1 gets her work situation straightened out soon.

  4. It is good to see Tama and Benny napping so close to each other. I hope something can be sorted out with the client.

  5. Yes, it's wonderful to see them close, they'll get there when the time is right. All the best with the work stuff, we know it's stressful.

  6. Benny is getting big! That would be an unusual photo at this house. The cats definitely do NOT share the same piece of furniture. I hope that your client becomes more less difficult. I send you strength and love.

  7. I sure hope your work situation gets better...stress on the job is horrible. No matter the cause, we hope that all our good thoughts and wishes will turn your mess around.

    Benny and Tama!! Look at you! A new phase?? Hooray! Less hissy fits, I hope!

  8. The two of them are so different, I think tolerance is great! Anything above that will be icing.


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