Saturday 20 November 2021

Sneaky SEIturday!


Rainbow Sei: I know, I know... I am not supposed to do "regular" posts all of my own, but you see, #1 had her booster yesterday and is feeling a little tired, so I thought I would sneak in with a couple of shots of moi. Fair enough, right?

Have a good one, Dear Friends!


  1. Those are lovely photos. I hope #1 feels okay after her booster We have appointments on the 29th. They were due on the 11th but that was the earliest I could get.

  2. Mum and I enjoyed these pics of you dear Sei!!
    WE miss you.
    Hope #1 feels better soon.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. Such great memories of you Sei-Chan. We're glad to hear #1 got her booster shot and hope she feels better soon.

  4. Those are very pretty photos. I hope #1 is all better super soon.

  5. They are very pretty photos.

  6. Healing thoughts for your #1. Our petcretary had a very sore arm for almost a week....but none the less, glad you were able to get the booster.

  7. We wish #1 a good rest and hope she feels better soon ! Purrs

  8. Sei! We are always glad to see you! Concatulations on getting the booster!


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