Thursday 7 October 2021

Thankful Thursday


#1 here. Today, I am thankful for my beautiful and treasured Hotesse de l'Aumone. She was born in 1995 and is now 26 years old. Over her career as a broodmare, she gave birth to ten foals, including my Violette and my Heloise. Two years ago, I set out to buy her and Heloise to avoid them being sent to the meat man. Several of you helped me generously with my GoFundMe campaign. For that too, I am hugely thankful. Hotesse is now enjoying a comfortable and happy retirement with her two daughters.

Hotesse had a good summer because it wasn't too hot and so there were fewer biting bugs than usual. Now let us hope the winter os good to her too.


  1. she is bautiful and we love her wonderful fur...

  2. Such wonderful photos and sentiments!
    A delightful way to start my day!
    Thank you!

  3. She sure is something to be thankful for. We're glad we could help a little bit to make her part of your family.

  4. So happy she is with you and hope she has a few more good years.

  5. She is such a sweetie and it's nice to see her enjoying the love she so deserves!

  6. Hotesse is such a lovely lady.


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