Saturday 4 July 2020

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday

Rainbow Sei: Welcome back to our Saturday post with all of us Rainbow Bridge Gang. We were busy this week, making sure that #1 was safe in her travels, and we are glad she is now back home.

We were reflecting on what to do for today's post and #1 got a bit of inspiration from the photo of me that we used for our Blogoversary. She said I look like a "Cat of Mystery" in that photo, and why not see if we can find similarly "mysterious" photos for all of us? I thought it might be fun, so here goes. Le me start with one of me which I hope you will like:

Next is one of Ikkyu, looking more languorous than mysterious:

Sen-Chan looks pretty mysterious in this on:

This is one of #1's favourite portraits of Yuu-Chan:

Beebs was still a kitten in this one, but we think he looks pretty mysterious!

Tommy was almost always smiling so it's hard to find a mysterious shot of him, but how about this one?

And we think that Trav looks pretty mysterious in this one. What do you think?

We hope you enjoyed today's post. We would also like to wish all our American friends a Happy 4th of July. Please stay safe!


  1. Lovely mysterious photos. Trav looks deep in contemplation.

  2. Those are all just the sweetest photos.

  3. Very adorable, except Angel Trav is just sleeping, no?
    (I love his coloring; like he's wearing a wig!)

  4. You all look great in those mysterious pictures.

  5. Marvelous mysterious photos from all of you. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. Lovely photos of you all today!

  7. Those are great photos of all of you.


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