Thursday 9 January 2020

Throwback Thursday

Genji: This week, we thought it might be fun to go back and look at some baby/youngster pics of all of us. I shall start with Mama-Tama who was a mighty cute kitten back in her day!

I, of course, was also very cute as a kitten!

Ollie, of course, was a pup only very recently! Here he is at 9 weeks, the day #1 first met him:

How about one of Miss Violette as a baby?

And The Big V when he was Little V?

And Miss Heloise on the day she was born!

And at two days with her proud Mama, Hotesse:

We hope you have enjoyed this look back at us when we were little!


  1. that are such sweet photos!!! with the best awww! ever!!!

  2. Those are all the cutest baby pictures. How sweet to see the blazes on the Vs.

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwww! We love baby pictures!!!
    You all are so cute!
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  4. This surely is a lovely collection of photos of y'all. So cute!

  5. Those pix are adorable!Encore, I say, encore!! L & the Island Chans

  6. Oh my, those were cute, cute and lots more cute!

  7. Awwww... Those are such cute baby pictures ! Purrs

  8. We love looking back to when you all were so young. It's amazing how much the V's colors changed as they got older.

  9. Aww, I loved these baby pics!


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