Thursday 8 November 2018

Tommy's Thankful or Thankless Thursday?

Tommy: Woofs everyone. Well, #1 is well and truly gone and should be arriving in Tokyo sometime today. Everyone is pretty subdued and, I have to confess, we do feel a little thankless today. We wish our #1 could have stayed home with us...

The weather was pretty nice right up to her departure, so we enjoyed some fine walks and admired the turning leaves:

I had a somewhat dubious close encounter on one of our walks. Look!!!

Yep. The little blighter still escapes to come and munch where the grass is greener! That's the closest we have gotten to one another! 

Anyway, even though #1 is gone, we are all lucky to have Mr. G looking after us, and I am lucky to have my kitties for company, as well as my pal Fernant, so we are thankful too!


  1. I'm glad that big dog wasn't closer to ya Tommy ;O)))

  2. Having Mr G look after you is a good thing Tommy, but no one can replace your #1!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. We know that Mr G takes very good care of you, but it's not like #1, right ? That little guy looks friendly, even if he's an escape artist ! Purrs

  4. I'm glad you have friends and family to keep you company while #1 is away!

  5. Wow Tommy look at the big grass eating dog!

  6. #1 will be back before you know it Tommy, just be happy and snuggly!

  7. I was just thinking about the jet lag that #1 is experiencing, having been in the US recently, and now in Japan. WOW!

  8. Of course Mr.G will look after you all very well, but it is not the same as having your own #1 home with you.

  9. Maybe you and that moo cow need to become pals.

    We hope #1 has a great trip. And we know Mr.G. will take great care of all of you.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. It’s wonderful that you have your Mr.G. to care for you. Imagine if you had one of those horrible sitters. We know you’ll miss #1 terribly but at times like these chins must be kept up. Love to all.

  11. You all are so lucky to have the faithful Mr. G to look after you.


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