Thursday, 23 March 2017

Thankful Thursday!

Da Beebs: #1 is HOME!!!! She is exhausted as she missed her train in Paris and had to be rescued by Mr. G. Three cheers for Mr. G!!! Today, she has to go and get Tommy, and then we will all be even more thankful!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, of course she brought us goodies!

For us Chans:

For Tommy:

And look what she brought back for the Vs!


  1. WE are happy to hear #1 is safely home :)
    Lots of snuggles ahead!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. I'm so happy to hear that everyone will be home soon!

  3. that are super gifts... I can't wait to hear what you think about the treats from japan... hope there is no wasabi included what nearly killed the mama once LOL.
    I'm so sorry that your n°1 was lost in paris too... like the mama once (january 7h 2016 the day of the attack of a police office). She sadly had no Mr. G. and so SNCF had to rescue her.... and let's say they are not really the cavalry you need in such a case ...

  4. Hurrah for Mr.G! He's saved the happy homecoming!
    And we're sure it was a happy time indeed. Once Tommy is home all will be wonderfully back to normal.

  5. We're glad to hear #1 made it home despite the missed train. You kitties will all be so happy to have Tommy back today too.

  6. what an adventure - but we are glad she is home safe

  7. Wow. She comes home with the best surprises
    Lily & Edward

  8. Hooray for a most wonderful homecoming!!!!!!!

  9. YAY! for treats and welcome home, No. 1!


    PS I/we have started my blog back up today - come visit!

  10. C'est pas drôle de rater son train, surtout lorsque l'on arrive d'un long voyage.
    Heureusement qu'elle a fini par arriver à destination votre #1.
    Ca en fait des friandises japonaises tout ça.
    On vous laisse profiter du retour de Tommy et de votre humaine.
    Hisia et Loustiquette

  11. I am glad #1 is safely back home. Those look like lots of tasty treats for you.

  12. YAY for #1's return!!! YAY for yummy treats!!! Bet tommy will be very happy to reunited with all.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty


  13. We are glad to hear #1 made it home safely! We know everyone will be happy to be together again :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. Thank goodness that all is well. YAY for the goodies!


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