Sunday 26 March 2017

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: Our poor #1 is suffering from serious jet lag, in addition to being really tired after her mad dash through Japan. She has been taking lots of pics of us since her return but she says that she is not 100% confident that she can turn them into a post that makes sense, so may we ask for your indulgence? We will do our best.

As you can imagine, now that he is back, we have been cuddling up a storm with our Tommy, starting with me:

And of course, Sei-Chan:

And not forgetting my Beebs:

Da Genj, on the other hand, has been very busy with #1...

Violette was very happy to get her carrot from Japan!

 As was Vidock!

We are planning on spending the day snuggling, and recommend that you follow our example!


  1. Violette and Vidock got carrots from Japan? That is all kinds of awesome!

  2. There couldn't be a better way to spend your Sunday than catching up on your snuggling and napping. So happy you're all together again.

  3. We'll snuggle too, but you snuggles are always the best!

  4. Snuggling and maybe a nap will help #1 with her jet lag.

  5. We bet there has been a LOT of snuggling since #1 got back home!
    Tired humans make for great snuggle buddies ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  6. We're sure intensive snuggling is helpful in case of jet lag ! Purrs

  7. After I travel to Japan, I am usually in jet lag mode for about a week. I hope #1 will get over jet lag soon! Great snuggling pics! Looks like Gen-Chan was all over #1 :-)

  8. All those time zone changes can really mess with the body AND the mind. We hope you all snuggled a lot with #1 and got her caught up on her rest.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  9. Glad you are all able to catch up with your snuggling.

  10. We hope you all are snuggling with #1 and helping her get over her jet lag. :)

  11. She could take food out of one country and into another? That is rare.

    Hope #1 gets over her jet lag soonest.


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