Monday 4 April 2011

Manly Monday With Tommy!

: Yes, I am hogging the blog today because I have had the manliest Monday ever and want to tell you all about it! #1 came back as planned last night. She had a successful time in Paris but was catatonic with fatigue and collapsed into bed. And then, this morning, she had to get up quite early so that we (yes! WE!) could head out to the French National Stud at Haras du Pin for the day.

The Haras du Pin is the site where the Percheron World Congress will be held in September and today, there was a special event and press conference to kick off the market gardens on the chateaus terrace that is being farmed entirely with Percheron horses! Not only did I get to spend the entire day romping around outside, but I made all sorts of new friends!

Firstly, here I am in the day's setting!

Now, please meet PyrĂšne, a four-month old Great Pyrenees girl pup:

PyrĂšne was a lot more respectful of my ears than a certain other pup I know... Sadly, she got kicked by one of the younger horses and had to spend the afternoon resting (she is fine).

Then I met another beautiful, but older, girl. Sadly, I never even found out her name...

And last but not least the utter star of the day! Please meet Sadie!

Sadie is also four months old and about one tenth my size:

She is such a sweetheart!!!

You can see why I was so happy with so many lovely girls around me!

And talking of girls, here is Ms. C.S who makes a living working with her two Percheron horses, Honorine and Oncle Alfred, and did the ploughing today:

And a close-up of the magnificent Percherons:

It was just a perfect day! By the way, The Beebs and Vidock promise to post later in the week!

PS: We apologise for being so very, very behind on visiting. We will try to catch up!


  1. oh the mom LOVES LOVES LOVES percherons! She makes a trip to the state fair just to watch the driving competitions with the percherons!

  2. Tommy, it's no wonder the Gals flock around Handsome Guy! We are awed at the size of the horsies...OMC, Vidock is going to be HUGE!

  3. woooos Tommy! Great pics:) those Percherons are so magnificent! meeting other pups is always fun too! Have a good week mate,


  4. What a sweet day for a sweet Tommy-being surrounded by lovely ladies!
    Those pecherons take our breath away.Truly beautiful!
    the critters in The Cottage

  5. Tommy,

    I am very jealous that you spent the day with all your new girlfriends! But it looks like you had fun in a beautiful place.

    Your friend,

  6. what a lucky boy you were, Tommy, to get to attend such a big event! We bet you had so much fun outside with ALL those gorgeous pups. Mom says she fell in love with little Sadie - what a sweet face!! Please give our best to those other manly family members, Bibi and Vidock - and of course, all the girls too:)

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. Oh my!

    No wonder woo had the most manly of Monday's!

    So many beaWOOOOties woo got to impress!

    Thanks fur sharing the pawesome day!


  8. wow Tommy what a special day you had with #1. Bet the kids at home are a bit jealous
    Benny & Lily

  9. Ouch! I hope Pyrene wasn't hurt too badly. Sadie is real cute & SO tiny!!! She could be wrongfully mistaken for a kitten! And OH MY GOODNESS, those horses are So beautiful! They're so huge & meaty. WOW! My hoomie Melissa loves that kind of horses especially those that have hair in their legs.

  10. Wow...those are some big and beautiful horses.

    You did have a manly day with all those ladies. Hope the one that got kicked is feeling better, that doesn't sound like much fun.

  11. What a special day for you, Tommy. You got to spend the day with #1 and meet a lot of really lovely girl doggies too! Woo-Hoo!
    The poor Chans! First #1 is away and then she takes you. Hope she plans lots of very special tender love and care for them. And treaties too.
    Will Vidock be participating in the world congress? What a treat! ( Of course all of your followers want to come, Vidock. We just need big boogie mats to get us there. )

  12. Magnificent Place !!!
    Lucky you, Tommy
    And I'm so happy you have so many woofie's girls around : )

  13. What a beautiful place!! And I am happy you made many friends :-) Sadie is so tiny!! Oh she is so cute and i love the photos of you two on a grass :-)

  14. Wow! Look at you in the fields! What a fun place to be!

  15. What wonderful new friends! Sounds like #1 made up for being gone and you got to have a lovely day!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  16. WOW! That looks like such a GREAT Noseventure!

    Thank you for sharing!

  17. Wow! So many beautiful girls to hang out with. You must have had a wonderful time. The place was also very beautiful. You're one lucky woofie!

    the amigos and san

  18. OMC!!!! That girl who you met could be Grete's long lost sister...sort of..without the fuzzy ears...

    What a great day you had Tommy. You ARE a chick magnet!

  19. hey Tom, you had a GREAT day! we love all of your new friends and those big horses are amazing. we visit horses at our grampop's farm, but the sure don't look like those. we love to bark at them, but they don't even look at us. we bet you don't bark at horses cuz you're so well behaved.


  20. Tommy, you are really a ladies man...heehee! What a beautiful place with really big horses.


  21. Hehe! I can see you're enjoying your time there Tommy!



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