Friday 23 November 2018

Finally Friday!

Da Genj: Today is Finally Friday because #1 is finally coming back to us! We can't wait for her to get home.

She did send us this photo of a billboard advertising a cat and bunny café in Tokyo:

Sadly, she did not have the time to stop and explore.

And also this cute kitty who was in an old-fashioned café:

Once she's back, she will hopefully start taking photos of US again!


  1. I hope you can welcome your #1 soon... and she will take many many photos of you ;O)

  2. Bunny cafe? I'm not surprised!

  3. How fun it would be if there were cat and bunny cafes in the US. Our paws are crossed that #1 has a safe and uneventful trip home.

  4. I have never held a bunny rabbit!

  5. We hope she has a safe travel ! Purrs

  6. Safe travels to #1. I expect she may be home by now and you all will be very happy.

  7. We know you all were doing a happy dance!

  8. We hope #1 is home now and you’re all crawling all over her!

  9. We hope #1 made it back by now. And you are all enjoying inspecting her many purchases:) They just opened one of those kitty cafes in Kansas City. Maybe Mom will get to visit it one day.

    Woos Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. #1 should be back by now. Your #1 is MUCH better about blogging for you guys than my Mom is. Especially when she goes away. I hope you lay on her (#1) to keep her at home for a while. Mom tells me that I will not have to worry about her going anywhere for a while. I just hope she is not too busy at work when she goes back next week.
    Welcome Home #1.

  11. Dat one kitty sure looks like me and trust me, I am no where near Toyko!


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