Wednesday 16 December 2015

Whimsical Wednesday

Da Beebs: Sssshhhhhh... we're not supposed to stay this too loudly but we think that #1 is actually beginning to feel better... It's sure been a long haul and she's still rather icky but she says her tastebuds may be coming back!

With all our Christmas decorations up and the weather still really mild, we have been having a good time watching all the sparkly stuff and even hopping in and out of the cat run. Today, we have a whimsical collection of seasonal shots for you.

What do you think of me on our new Christmas blankie?

Sei-Chan explored it too. It's very soft!

Genji has continued to look after #1 whilst enjoying his Santa hat!

Tommy has been entertaining #1 in any way he could think of...

My Mama Tama, however, decided to pose for one of her signature "cat flap portraits":

 We hope you have enjoyed today's photos!


  1. It's looking very festive at your house!

  2. We love your Christmas tree and all your pretty ornaments.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Hawwoooo! Merry Christmas mates,

    NukNuk & Family

  4. That blankie looks purrfectly comfy!!!

  5. Pretty Christmas Tree. I am jealous because we don't have one this year. So happy #1 is starting to feel better.

  6. Knocking on wood for #1!!! And all your photos made us smile, especially Reindeer Tommy;)

    Bet that blanket is very soft and warm.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  7. Everything looks wonderfully festive at your house. Little Genji is still on the job? What a loyal little boy. Bless him. And Tommy, you are the dearest dog. You can always bring a smile when things get low. Wish we could join Beebs and Sei on the Christmas blankie. Mum put one down for us and someone peed on it, Tama, you are glamour personified. Love to all.

  8. You look like you are enjoying that wonderful blankie ALL of you will in your turn. SO glad #1 is better.

  9. That Christmas blanket looks really cozy!

  10. Tommy ... tu as l'air un peu êtes avec tes cornes ! Mais c'est vrai que c'est important de faire sourire les malades. Comme ça ils guérissent plus vite !
    Bibi le plaid et le joli sapin derrière ça fait un décor parfait pour une photo.
    Tama, nous on aime toujours les photos prises dans la chatière. Ca fait de jolis portraits !
    Genji tu le mets quand sur ta tête ton truc rouge. C'est une bonne couleur pour toi.
    Si votre #1 elle va mieux je suis sure que c'est grace à vous !
    Ronrons pour tout le monde

  11. Da Beebs, that is a lovely photo of you on the new blankie with the Christmas tree behind you. I hope #1 continues to feel better every day.

  12. Great pictures and cute cats! Merry christmas to all...


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