Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Ryū-Chan on Wednesday


Ryū-Chan: Mee-YOW to all my fans! It's Little Dragon here. It's true that I have become something of a specialist in the subject of trouble-making! But I also have a gentle and helpful side, and I helped #1 when she was getting the guest room ready yesterday!

We have guests arriving from South Africa tomorrow. They are only staying with us for one night, but #1 says it takes the same amount of tidying, cleaning, bed-making etc. for one day as for one month!

By the way, the cover on the bed if the official bed cover for the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. It was only given to athletes and officials who stayed at the Olympic Village, which is why #1 has one!

Anymeow, the next few days are going to be a bit crazy for #1, and she will actually be away for all of Saturday and part of Sunday, so this is going to be our last post until next Monday. Don't forget about us!!!


  1. oooh have a super time with your guests... and a good thanksgiving thursday...

  2. How special to own one of those bed covers. Have a wonderful time with your guests!

  3. Having friends visit, even briefly is a wonderful gift ... enjoy the time together. And it's so sweet of you to leave a few furs on the bed to help them rest well.

  4. its a beautiful bed cover and you make it special. enjoy your visitors and we will be waiting for you to come back. we are taking tomorrow off too. see you soon

  5. Ryu we are so glad you are helping and we will look forward to a future post when your #1 is back

  6. Ryū-Chan, you do you, little one!

  7. I hope your guests bring treats, Ryū-Chan!

  8. How exciting to have overnight guests. We hope #1 has a great weekend and we can't wait to hear all about it.

  9. Chaplin: "That's some top-notch helping, Ryū-Chan! Even short-term guests deserve your excellent service!"

  10. Make sure to show off all your skills!

    PeeEssWoo HI Ollie Make sure to get visitor adoration!

  11. Enjoy your guests, and I will see you when you come back.

  12. We would never forget you sweet boy, see you soon. That bed cover is so cool!

  13. Could never forget such beautiful and loving friends. Linda

  14. We could never forget you! Sounds like things have been busy over there.


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