Monday, 4 November 2024

Momo's Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Happy Monday, Friends! It's me, Fluff Puff (well, that's what #1 calls me...). Here we are again, at the top of another week. It has been very grey and very cold here and we are yearning for some sunpuddles! But we do have some nice pics for you and, as I am your host, I shall start off with some of me!

Actually, the first one is of me and my kid brother, Ryū:

This next one was taken by Mr. G in the cat run:

And this last one by #1:

We also have some nice ones of Benny this week, starting with one by Mr. G:

And a couple by #1:

Mr. G also got some great shots of Ryū-Chan in the cat run:

And of course, of Ollie!

Ms. A promised to send some photos of The Big V later this week, so we'll hopefully have some for you next Monday!


  1. ooh what a great start into a new week... we hope it will be a good one for all

  2. What a great start to the week; you men are very handsome!!

  3. What great shots of all of you. Happy Monday!

  4. Momo you are certainly a Fluff Puff. But we love seeing the rest of the family and they are all having so much fun. Great pictures

  5. every single one is good, really good, and the cat run seems to be the right spot for gorgeous pics. of course Mr. G. is a talented photographer. Fluff Puff is the perfect name for you and your furs are looking amazing.. Ollie your eyes melt my heart

  6. Is Ryū-Chan going to grow into those ears, Momo?

  7. WOW, each week it seems you boys get more and more handsome!

  8. All the boys look so handsome today. And Momo, we think both the Fluff and the Puff are quite apt for your name.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. You are some of the prettiest white cats I have ever seen

  10. Lulu: "Our Dada wants to reach right into the computer screen and give all of you skritches!"


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