Sunday 25 February 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: I can't quite believe it's Sunday again! I'm not sure if it's these weekly disappearances by #, but time seems to be passing more quickly. Talking of weekly disappearances, next week, is not looking good, Dear Friends. #1 will be in Orléans again on Tuesday and Wednesday. She's due back early afternoon on Wednesday, and early afternoon on Thursday, she's off to Paris until Sunday! She is going to the big agricultural fair where she will be helping a friend show her beautiful donkey!

Anyway, I've been stocking up on the snuggles.

In other news, here are Benny and Momo snuggling on #1's bed:

One of Benny snuggling with Ollie:

Ryū-Chan laying claim to #1:

And Ryū with Ollie!

This is not a snuggle pic but it is a cute one of Miss Violette and Miss Héloise!

Here is wishing yo a nice and snuggly Sunday.


  1. Good to see you make the best of times when you're together and just let #1 do her thing! :))

  2. All lovely pics but I have to say your snuggles with #1 are the best, Tama.

  3. it seems Ollie is the chosen snuggle companion for all the kitties. sorry #1 will be away more hours, but she must do what she must do.. we do nothing all day every day and the time is on fast foward, it seems Sunday comes every 3 days instead of a week.

  4. Those are all such sweet snuggle pictures of you all.

  5. Lovely images, especially Violette and Héloise.

  6. Your #1 sure is busy! Those are wonderful snuggles gang and I'm glad you're stocking up!

  7. Well, I love all of you. And I hope to see the Donkey as he is all prepared to be shown

  8. #1 leads an exciting life, we think. But she'll love to be home as soon as she can.

  9. We feel the same!
    Each week SUNday seems like yesterday instead of last week - especially because it marks the start of my #1's workweek -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Your #1 is such a busy ONE!

  10. So happy to see everyone here! Cozy as always.

  11. #1 certainly is busy! Glad she got some snuggles in with all of you before she leaves this week.

  12. Charlee: "Our Dada says time passes faster these days than it used to. We're not sure why. Maybe the rotation of the Earth has speeded up."
    Chaplin: "I don't think that's it."
    Java Bean: "We are not sure if Violette is photobombing Héloise or if Héloise is photobombing Violette in that last picture!"


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