Tuesday 25 April 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: You know it's spring, we know it's spring, the garden knows it's spring, but the weather gods appear to have mixed things up. It hasn't gotten warm enough yet for #1 to shed her fleeces! It's almost May! She was able to open the kitchen window for us just one time so far this spring! Of course, I took advantage immediately.

Do you get the idea that some kitties like to live dangerously?

Of course, my tolerance levels are improved by sunpuddles...

Yes, #1, I'll look at you so you can admire my emerald-green eyes:

But we should get back to work. Deadlines don't wait, you know!


  1. Our weather is up and down too. I have got my summer bedding outside the greenhouse hardening off for planting. They forecast frost last night so I had to move them all back inside.
    I wonder if Benny realises how close he is to touching you.

  2. Weather weather! Rode my bike last week in the most hot April week ever, and now it has snowed 3 days in a row. Plus the bird baths are frozen this morn. Precious got a bit of cold air on her nose after breakfast this morn and is now under the bed where the furnace duct blows on her.

  3. It is still a bit cool here(especially at night) as well, but mum put out the hummingbird feeders anyway.
    .Purrs, Julie

  4. ...and we had frost warnings for this morning -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie!!!

  5. You do look beautiful sweet Tama. Our weather is confused too plus we're gonna get a ton of rain again.

  6. we all know you love to follow those sundpuddles. hope spring starts to act normally. my fav today is you in the sun on the sofa with all the pillows

  7. Tama-Chan, we hope that you walked across that keyboard, in an effort to 'assist' #1 with her work!

  8. You look very relaxed, Tama-Chan. We hope it warms up for you soon.

  9. We had one week of super nice and warm weather. Now it is back to being cool again. Mum has long sleeves and socks on!

  10. Lulu: "Yeah we are pretty sure Mother Nature has been on a bender this year. It has been nuts here in California!"

  11. Look at them greeeen peepers, pawsome!

  12. Spring gives us a taste of warm temperatures and sunny skies, then shuts it down giving us cool temperatures and grey skies.

  13. Tama-Chan, the weather here is the same. Cold and wet. And yesterday there even was a little snow! Fortunately, it didn’t stick.


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