Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Woof Woof! Ollie Here! I am still going out on a lead around the house but, a couple of days ago, we went to visit a friend with a big garden and I got to run around. I was so excited and I ran so hard that I must have hurt one of my hind legs so have been limping ever since, and am now on rest. I couldn't even go to visit my daughter, Lily, yesterday. #1 says she was so disappointed and was looking for me everywhere when she arrived.

I like to take a stuffie with me when I go out. I think it's very manly, don't you?

But mainly, I am taking it easy. Here I am doing a classic "Springer Sprawl"!

#1 is off again, as she is working at the French Percheron Championships this weekend. She is leaving early afternoon tomorrow, so we will not be blogging again until early next week. Mr. G will be looking after us.

I shall leave you with this nice pic of Noelle and Lily:

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to the loveliest post of the week.  Talking of lovely, #1 took this very Queenly pic of me a couple of days ago:

The thing is, though, that I am not just Queeenly in the regal fashion. I m also the Queen of Cute!

A QUEEN through and through!

Monday, 27 September 2021

Manly Monday With Benny


Benny: #1 says I am a thug and a hooligan. This is probably because I broke yet another nice feeding bowl yesterday. She says I have broken more bowls since I have been here than all her other cats in their combined lifetimes. So, I now get the leftover plastic feeding station that she used for Trav... She says she'll try to find some slightly nicer plastic or metal bowls.

In other news, I continue to enjoy my time in the bathroom sink:

I'm also getting pretty good at catching sunpuddles:

And I love, love, LOVE my bro, Ollie!

Those last two photos were taken by Mr. G.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Now that #1 is back and it's getting cooler, we are fully back into snuggle mode! I shall start today with this shot of me sharing an early morning snuggle with #1:

This is not really a snuggle pic but you can see al three of us!

I confess that, most mornings, it is Benny who is on #1's bed, helping her wash her face...

He and Ollie are usually both there:

When Mr. G visited the other day, he took some cool pics of Ollie and Benny:

And that is all we have for you today. We hope you have a lovely and snuggly Sunday!

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Sei-Chan's Short and Sweet Souvenir Saturday

Rainbow Sei: It's been a while, Dear Friends. I wonder if you have missed us at all? As you know, it's taking a little time for #1 to get back fully into blogging and commenting, so this will be a short post, featuring just me. This summer, we welcomed our dear friend, Fernant, among us. Tommy in particular  was so glad to see him! We will include him in future posts. In the meantime, here are a couple of pics of me, so you don't forget me!

Wishing you all a lovely and sunny weekend!

Friday, 24 September 2021

Feline Friday


Benny: Mr.G and Ms. N came to visit us yesterday, and Mr. G took some great pics of me!

And he took this one of Queen Tama:

Here are a couple more pics of her, taken by #1:

We wish you all a lovely Friday!

PS: We are a little late in publishing today because Blogger simply would not publish. Anyone else have the same problem?

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Thankful Thursday


Ollie: Woof Woof! Ollie here! I am thankful today because my #1 loves me and will protect me from a very mean neighbour who had made threats against me. This nasty man has been unpleasant and threatening ever since he moved in with our neighbour, Ms. C, and has turned her against us too. #1 now has no choice but to get someone to fence in our property so I will be safe from him. No more running in the fields for me. There really are some horrible people out there.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. I am sorry we did not manage to post yesterday. #1 was quite tired when she got home, having made a pretty big detour to pick up Ollie at Ms. C's. But at least she came back on schedule, right? We'll share a few pics of what she saw at the end of today's post. She is also still not back into proper photo mode yet, so I have just a few shots for you.

The first two are evening shots. I always sit next to #1 when she watches TV:

That boy is always hungry...

I did find one sunpuddle!

And here are some photos of the world pony driving championships. Some of the ponies were so small!!!

Friday, 17 September 2021

Family Friday


Ollie: Since #1's return, we have been to see the Vs and Hs several times, as well as my Lily and Noelle, and I shall be staying with them this weekend. #1 says it has made me a lot more mature to spend the summer raising my daughter. I do love to spend time with her but she is now in the "shark" mode and she never stops! Phew! It's hard being a dad! Sometimes, Noelle and I just have to put our paws down!

Actually, Lily loves it when we play like that with her!

And this is what I have to put up with outside!

She does have the occasional quiet moment (second?):

We wish you all a lovely weekend, and see you next week!

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Thankful Thursday


Benny: We haven't yet managed to get back on a regular blogging schedule and, believe it or not, #1 is gong to be away again this weekend, volunteering at the World Pony Driving Championships, being held at Haras du Pin, which is not that far from here. We'll try to get back into the swing of things properly next week. In the meantime, we wanted to say once again, how thankful we are to have her back and to be all together again!

Here I am, eating within whapping distance of Queen Tama, but she didn't!

And me sitting right up against #1, with Queen Tama on the other side of the cushion.

Queen Tama and Ollie:

Me and Ollie hanging with #1 in bed first thing in the morning:

It is so good to be together again, and we are thankful!

PS: We are also very thankful that our friend Mr. R, Tommy's breeder, finally got to go home yesterday after spending months in a convalescence centre following a bad bout of Covid.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: I only have a short post for you this week, Dear Friends. #1 isn't yet properly back to photo-taking mode and we've had few sunpuddles these past few days. I have been sticking very close to her, and making sure I get lots of attention and cuddles!

It's so wonderful to have her back!

Monday, 13 September 2021

Manly Monday

 Ollie: I am loving having my #1 home gain, and also being with Benny who is my best pal. #1 says that we make quite a pair, getting up to all kinds of trouble together! I also go regularly to see Noelle and our daughter Lily. That Lily is something else, and is full into her "shark" mode, if you know what I mean. I am proud to say, however, that she has excellent flying ears!

I also met up with my pal, Buddy, which was fun!

Vidock: When you live with several gorgeous girls, you have to keep them interested by rolling in the mud and waving your hoofs in the air!

Benny: #1 brought me this fishie from Japan!

I really like it!

Wishing you all a good week!