Saturday, 14 January 2017


Sei-Chan: And so, here is the weekend again, before any of us knew it was even coming! I have a couple of pieces of good news to share first. #1 was supposed to go to Japan on a week-long business trip at the end of this month and it has been postponed until mid-March! We think it's very important that she be with us when it's winter, don't you agree? It also means that she will be here for my actual birthday, rather than at the other end of the globe! The other thing is that the good camera has been located. It's probably going to take another week or two for it to return to us, fully repaired, but at least we know it's coming!

Now, you know the old refrain by now, of grey and dark and a hard time taking photo, but #1 did manage to sneak one or two in this week. I was busy entertaining myself at the window in the study...

...when she disturbed me and got the stink eye in return:

I also decided that it was high time I too tried the low radiator in the living room for comfort and warmth:

I approve! It is really very pleasant! But there is a lot of competition for what is considered one of the best seats in the house. 

It is still my birthday month, so here is yet another cute picture of me in my youth. I clearly was still trying to figure out how to wrangle all my limbs!


  1. I'm glad #1's camera was located - and that she will be around for your birthday!

  2. Oh that really will make your birthday even more special! Y'all have a fun Saturday!!!

  3. We are glad to hear you will be able to spend your birthday with #1 - that is excellent! It is also good that the camera has been located!

  4. It's good to know #1's camera isn't lost. You sure are looking good in all your poses.

  5. EVen without the good camera, those are some beautiful photos of you, Sei-Chan. YAY!!! on the better camera being located - that must have been good news for #1.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  6. Good to know that the camera is not lost ! We're glad that #1 will be here for your birthday. Purrs

  7. Hurrah! You will have your whole family with you as you celebrate your special day. Of course, your friends the world over will join you too.

  8. WOO HOO!!!!!
    Numburr #1 will bee home to cellybrate yur Birthday Sei-Chan!!! Grate mewss!!
    An yur 'stink eye' foto iss purriceless...yur adoorabull mee furend,
    An mee wishess mee had a raddyator like yurss.... it lookss cozy!
    An yur wrangling pawss foro reemindss mee of well, MEE at that age....mew mew mew....
    **nose kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxx

  9. wow that's WONDERFUL that the camera was located!! And we'd feel the same about that radiator if we had one, we're certain!

  10. Sei-Chan, good idea to try out that radiator.Glad that #1 will be home for your birthday. You all have a great week end.

  11. You are going to have a great birthday now that #1 will be there, Sei!

  12. Glad the flashy box has been located. Although if they really lost it, maybe she could have gotten a new one from them.

  13. Excellent! Good news on the business trip.
    We wish we had those wonderful heated seats. Our heat comes from the ceiling and that is not very convenient!

  14. Excellent that #1 is not going while it is winter!
    And Sei - yous looks marvelous darling

  15. Bonjour Sei,
    C'est super pour l'appareil qu'il soit retrouvé.
    Tu as l'air de savoir profiter comme il faut de l'hiver.
    J'aimerais bien avoir un radiateur sur lequel je puisse m'installer mais ici ils sont tous électriques. Ce n'est pas juste. Tu as l'air tellement bien sur le tien.


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