Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: It's my day of the week again and I can report that there has been much continuing rain, interspersed with the occasional sunpuddle. We have no news of the Big Cat yet. #1 is hoping to hear something today.

As I said, we are on the hunt for any and all sunpuddles, so here are some of the ones I found, starting with a nice dangle move!

And a couple more:

And one of me meditating in the jungle:

In closing, a combo meditation and dangle shot from the study:


  1. We are suffering much the same fate...more rain than sun.
    We do like your poses in the sunbeams you have found though :)

    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  2. Such beautiful shots of you today, Tama! I am keeping my paws crossed that the Big Cat can be healed!

  3. Tama, me luv the one meditating in the jungle !
    Completely Purrfect !

  4. We like the first dangle picture and is course you on the jungle Tama. We're sorry you're having so much rain. Maybe you can send them our way as we need more rain here.

  5. It seems all that meditation has made you sleepy Tama.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. You sure are keeping those eyes closed tight
    Lily & Edward

  7. Tama, you look stunning in the sunlight!

    Tell #1 we're keeping our paws crossed for the Big Cat to make many more adventures and trips.
    Car trubbles stink.


  8. You sunpuddles sure do look inviting!

  9. Rain without sun here... Enjoy your sunpuddle ! We keep our paws crossed for the Big Cat ! Purrs

  10. Tama toesies! Total treat!
    Kisses and Hugs!

  11. Qu'est ce que tu fais sur la première photo Tama ? Tu dors ou bien tu admires ta patte, ou bien tu es dans une période de méditation profonde .....
    Ici le soleil est capricieux, mais présent. Le matin ... ça caille !
    Douce soirée
    Nat à Chat

  12. The weather here has been good the last two days, and I hope it continues so I can lie out in the garden.
    You do a very good relaxed dangle.

  13. EEoww Tama chan me iz furinallee here to bizit!! Iz lubly to see ya...ya iz an inspurashun to me wif dem danglez!!!
    Ya lookz so cat-tented in yer pix too.
    Lub Nylablue n Mum xoxoxo

  14. You do great work with your dangles.

  15. LOVELY dangle! And lovely spots to catch some sun too!

    We've convinced our mom to talk to our dad about the concept of a run or a catio. But they're kinda slow so it may not be before we're old and decrepit????

    Hoping the Big cat resurrects just fine. That can be spendy, we know.

  16. We have had sunny weather over here for the last couple of day´s.
    Much cooler than the week before though.



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