Monday 7 June 2010

Manly Monday: Yuu-Week Kicks Off!

We are very late in posting today and have visited virtually no-one yet because #1 was away on horse business all day and has only just gotten home after 6pm. She now has more work to do for a different client, but she had promised to do our post, and she is keeping her promise!

First off, you may have noticed the title? It just happens that it is my first birthday on Wednesday, so we are declaring this whole week Yuu-Week at the Poupounette!

Yesterday was a day filled with fun and adventure for me! I started out by supervising the preparations:

We had a lot of visiting cousins, including 5 small boys aged 2 to 7. The girls stayed out of the way, and Bibi was napping because it was so hot, but I wanted to be part of it all. So, #1 put the Puppia harness on me and took me outside. I had a great time out on the terrace and all the boys wanted to play with me and pet me!

And guess what? I got to see the cat run from the outside!

I REALLY love company!

Tom: I had a great time too. It was a lot of fun to have all the little boys here, but then my two Boxer friends, AdĂšle and Eve turned up!

They were supposed to be spending the day with our next door neighbours but decided that our place was a lot more fun! I was able to do some serious showing off of my Frisbee skills in front of Eve!

I agree with Yuu-Chan. Guests are FUN!

Bibi-Chan: I was very busy before our guests arrived, checking out the blinds, and seeing if everything was working properly...

So what if I missed out on the fun because I was napping? I am still a baby and need to sleep a lot to grow up big and strong. So, I give you... BIBITUDE!

In closing for today, we have yet another question for our fauna-savvy friends. Do you know what this is?

It's not big and the wings really look like feathers. #1 is convinced it's a fairy!


  1. No idea we thinks it is a fairy too.

  2. Wow we can't believe Yuu-Chan is a year old already! Wow! It has been so fast! And we are with Bibi-Chan - napping is very important for various reasons!!

    And hmm, we also think it is probably a fairy.

  3. oh yes it is definitely a fairy!!!

  4. Yuu-Chan, you are quite the social boy! How neat you got to see the cat run from the outside.

    We are going to practice our BiBitude today, it's a little hot to play or run around.

  5. Maybe it is the birthday fairy come for Yuu-Chan's birthday?

  6. Hi - what fun! We wish we had more guests, sigh....! We LOVED the leaping photo of Tommy with the frisbee, so wonderful.

    We were a bit late to leave a comment on your sunday snuggle post so we're leaving it here! It's our favourite, as you know! So elegent this week, with all the outstretched paws!!

    Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

  7. What fun with the kids for Yuu and Tom!

    That "Fairy" is very unusual looking, isn't it? Mom votes for it being another unusual type of moth. generated a picture and a name Elachista species - from Wikipedia it could perhaps be something like that.

    But the idea of a fairy is sweet.

  8. How cool that this entire week will be in your honour Yuu-Chan! Becoming one year old is quite the big event. What fun to be on top of the run. You were the purrfect host.
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  9. Now we think your fairy is a White Plume Moth- Pterophorus pentadactyla.

    Compare the photos here:

  10. Of course it's a fairy! Quite the frisbee action there, my friend!

  11. You're getting very adventurous now that you're almost a mancat, Yuu-Chan!

  12. Oh, Yuu-chan, you look so handsome. I'm looking forward to your week. Lovely Bibitude and awesome jump, Tommy!

  13. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a great time.

  14. Yuu week! Get ready to party! On top of the house! And flying Tommy. Things are off to a great start.


  15. Yuu Week! We love that! Looks like a grand weekend at your house!

    That is the most beautiful moth we have ever seen! We wonder what it would taste like...

  16. Well, it looks like Yuu week is off to a flying start - and with fairies in attendance, no less. And I'm sure it is a fairy. That has to be a wonderful omen.

    wags, Lola

  17. So much excitement at your house.

  18. It looks exactly like a fairy! Happy Birthday Week to Yuu -- what fun to have company and to go outside on the kitty leash. Great frisbee catching, Tommy!

  19. It does look like a fairy!! And we are so happy that it is your birthday week, Yuu-Chan! How fun!!

  20. What GREAT frisbee moves Tommy!!!

    Khyra & Khousine Merdie

  21. Wowsers....that was some high flying action there by Tom!!

  22. Happy birthday!! Looks like you had fun with your guests!

  23. We bow to the wonders of Yuu-Chan, and hope the week is filled with nip and tunas!

  24. Happy birthday Yuu!
    And Tommy, you are so super athletic!


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